The Luxury of Music

Some-one once said to me: "I like Luxury music". This got me thinking.... What is Luxury music? What is Luxury? What is Music? When it comes down to it at the end of the day, all music is luxury be-cause the privilege of being able to have consistent auditory inter-course with sounds which are a derivative of the diverse and individual bodily sounds Mother Earth makes in in-deed the epic peak of luxury. All Music is luxury. All luxury is Music. All Music is life. All life is Music. ....... in her fascinating myriads of pseudo-utopian pockets. Let us talk Music. Let us talk J-A-Z-Z. Let us talk about how it caresses your senses through the auditory high-Way. . . . Jazz. The merge of musical forces that produce a sound solo smooth, it is like Dark soft Chocolate that has swirls of the Finest Cognac in it. Jazz. How do we begin? Do we talk about the swing band? The cacophony of seemingly distorted sounds which when brought together be-Comes ...