
Showing posts from June 22, 2011


I have found it quite baffling why anyone should be suspicious of their passions or petrified of surrendering to their humanity, that sometimes even when they do, they’re consumed with mortification. It’s all about the reconciliation of the forces within, that basically is the plague of the dualistic separation between divinity and humanity; which is the bedrock of the fears of our frail condition. There is divinity in all things, and in order to find that divinity; one should work with the material at hand- in the clay pot, which is the truth of God. Our human desires are very much a part of our spiritual journey and through them rather than in spite of them; we would find God. I am a spirit, you’re a spirit. I have a body, you have a body. Mine is slightly altered by the altering of my consciousness. It’s not such a yawning chasm between your reality and mine. We all have our physical truths, mine may not be as photogenic as yours, but it certainly exists nonetheles...

Moralist Dilema

The order of thought in-to the order of ideas. Is a pre-existing thought process realizable in a society where that thought process is not pre-acknowledged? How does a moralist foist his views on a society that does not see any-thing wrong with the moral aspect the moralist is dis-comforted with? How do the two worlds merge? Is this even feasible? Isn't the impossibility of a compromise thinly veiled myopia?


We are the Future We are the Past We are the First We are the Last We are the Present We are the Absent We are For-ever We are........ AFRICA!


There is no normal or abnormal. There is no sane or inSane. There is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad. There is no up or down. There is no left or right.   There is no truth or lie. There is nothing.   Only..... PERSPECTIVE.


It is truly MAGIC. This fusion between a Man and a Woman. What is this thing, this... heat that burns between a Man and a Woman? How does one even begin to explain it? What are the words? How does a WOMAN let a MAN under-stand what his touch feels like? How does she tell him what the invasion of his smell in-to her brain does to her? What his hands running all over her body does to her? How does she explain the goose-bumps his touch inspires? How does she tell him that the scratchiness of his beard when he's running his mouth all over her beautiful body is beyond description? Words are too inferior. Too banal. It is TRULY MAGIC. This fusion between a Man and a Woman. His strength.     Her softness. His Manliness.   Her smoothness. His hardness.     Her silkiness. It IS TRULY MAGIC. This fusion between a Man and Woman. His growl.     Her meows. His arms.      Her waist. His lips.   ...