
Showing posts from March 16, 2016

Dons Of Justice

I have been having sleepLess nights thinking about the upComing "Dawn Of Justice". This is the movie that will put to rest the age long dispute of Superman vs Batman, though I think it be a draw beCause if either defeats the other; they will  have a full scale riot on their hands from Team Super or Team Bat. I hope I do not faint in the cinema while watching this. I cannot imagine Superman and Batman in a face off. (Sexy sexy)Henry Cavill and (sexy sexy)Ben Afleck - both square jawed, both full haired with incredible hairlines, both insanely buff. Henry Cavill is such a sexy beast, but I will take dark, brooding, greying templed, baboon-like walking, smiling-out-of-the-side-of-his-mouth, tight pert bottomed Afleck any day. Le gentleman has got sides to him that you need to go deep diving to unCover. Initially, when I heard Ben Afleck was going to play Batman; I thought - the end has arrived. This franchise is over. How can they use a failed superhero (Daredevil) to pl...