Writings in the Sands of Time...

This happened to me some-time in the middle of February, 2011 A guide took me to a very deserted beach with-in the Lekki axis in Lagos State, Nigeria called the Ilasan beach. It was very quiet, no sound save for the waves beating against the shore-line trying to over-power it with-out success. My guide promptly retreated out of sight as he sensed I did not need his guidance here. Smart fellow. I looked around me and had the feeling that I was the only human standing in the New World waiting to welcome the cross-overs from the Old World. I felt I was the inhabitant of another planet as there was not an iota of civilisation in sight with the exception of a once proud ship whose progress had been abruptly stopped by the First (1st) Battalion of Sand guarding the shore-line. It had been slapped in the face several ways by Mother Nature for daring to enter her territory. A sorry sight to be-hold, in-deed it was. I looked at the ship and I wondered if it had contai...