
Showing posts from October 8, 2014


I do not think it is complicated, really. If you know what you are capable of, truly, truly capable of, due to the fact that you have delved inTo the depth of your core internal root a la Principium Individuationis , then you would not settle for a life which is less than your Alternate Reality - AltReal ©  (similar pronunciaton to Montreal). Alternate Reality is the life we imagine we should have been living if the present is not the desired. If the present were the desired, then we would be living our actual lives without yearning for that which has been lost. Alternate Reality is usually well complimented/ accompanied with Past Glory Mentality (PGM)  -  "I used to be... I used to look like...  I used to.., if you doubt me go and ask so and so" about how I used to... what I used to...   I do not think it is that complicated, really. Why live in a present that is unBearable thereBy risking an AltReal? Why? To what aim? Why would I want to...


Some-times, people say that it's ok for a pastor to sin. Sin being lying, cheating the church members for material gain, and Adultery(among others). Well, I disagree. A pastor is a Representative of GOD Almighty. He is an Ambassador, a poster child for his religion and his deity and their representatives. In this case, I'm using Christianity,  which has Jesus the Christ and the Holy Ghost/ Spirit. So, simply beCause one has to Believe in someThing, then one has to put up with the flawed outrageous humanity of one who should be exempt from this by virtue of their position and calling. Me thinks not.