To think that this is a fourteen year old girl and a seventeen year old boy. Chidren. Just children. Such great minds. This is what happens when your do not try to mould your children into the status quo but let them fly free and find themSelves as individuals withOut a care for being part of a social machine. They can change the world. Will and Jada should be given parent of the century awards and I am sure they sleep easy every night knowing that with or withOut them; the future of their offSprings are set on their sure path for life, supporting each other. Close knit. Unbreakable bond. Will Smith is a visionary, a wise family man and a true genius. He truly underStands what is important in life. A great father, great husband, great actor, great rapper. Most of all, he succeeded where it mattered most - as a great human being whose name will outLive him, in more ways than one. These children rejected formal education (and the parents respected their decision) and dec...