Obsession and Cowardice

Obsession. Ever-one has an obsession. Every-one is obsessesed with some-thing. Some people claim to get rid of an obsession, but in reality, they are only re-placing it with another one. In a pocket of time past, I heard a preacher say that if you give your life to Jesus the Christ, old things will pass away and all things will be-come new. What is the implication of a life-changing statement? You stop obsessing with Self and start obsessing with Christ. Basically, re-placing one obsession with another. Ok, I am going to veer off this lane in-to another. It is all on the same high-way though.... The bed-rock of all Religion is Faith. Now, we all know Faith is based on bias. So, what does this imply then? In a nut-shell, it infers that all Religion is founded on bias. Religion is all about be-longing. It is about the innate need to be led. It is about dependence. It is about the giving up of responsibility to another. It is a ...... Covert Absolution Operat...