Rituals of EXISTence

Know-ledge is in-deed power. Power over Neuronal Lethargy and Anonymity. The more know-ledge we acquire, the more we move closer to the door that leads to the absolute state which transcends the mediocrity that is the foundation of every-day existence. Some-times..... I wonder.... if there's really safety in ignorance and boundary(self imposed and societally imposed) limitations.... What would life be like with-out boundaries? Would it be a state of absolute free-dom or absolute chaos..? Or would our previous state(s) of mind be-come colossally enhanced..? Perhaps, there might be the certain sense of Free-dom that comes with the breaking of a barrier..... the dipping of the toe tip in for-bidden waters. The sense of taboo, the thrill of excitement and also of..... danger. We can-not say we are LIVING when there is the predictability of the out-come of our lives. We are born; we acquire formal academic know-ledge; we get a job; we start...