
Showing posts from June 4, 2015

The Dawn of the Andro Being

I listened to this fellow and my first thought was,  "yes, this easy-on-the-eye  dude  with the sonorous  voice  is so right."     Was even about to get away from anyThing linking moi to cyberSpace and then, I thought again...  perhaps, zees monsieur needs to face the reality of our times.  Dude is like the last frontier soldier rallying against change.  Change IS here, whether we like it or not.  Adapt, or remain like this fellow who is crying for "human" connection. By the way, I think touching is over-rated.  Emotions, on the other hand; are not. Neither is amorous physical coupling with emotions(talk for another day).  Humans have come from a long way from their Neanderthal days.  Evolution is not over.  I made the error of thinking it had ended.  It has not. The evolution of the basic physical structure of the homo sapiens has ended, yes. But the evolution of the humans have not. We are ...