
Showing posts from December 29, 2015

To Infinity, non Beyond?

I have been torn withIn mySelf lately… I have arrived at a crossRoad, a point where I have to make a decision regarding my mind. In the past, it was easy for me to mentally hop like a kangaroo from one subject to another. Zip here. Zap here.One second thinking of science, the second thinking of philosophy and how magical the scholars and philosophers must have been in Ancient Greece; with their togas and leafy headBands, their nose; their gods.  That now takes ones thoughts to Rome, to the grandeur of the coliseum. The gladiators. The debauchery. The perversions. The decadence. Think “ Caligula ” - no, not an exaggeration but an accurate depiction of the times. Not really a fan of Persian hedonism. Mainly Greek, Roman, Egyptian civilisations. Norse. Vikings. Barbarians. My interest has recently been piqued by African civilisations… the beautiful Dark people. The best DNA. Great genetics. The excitement of science. Astronomy. Complex equations. The breathTaking...