Island of Music and MURDER

JAMAICA. A city of muderers in uninform. A city of so much blood-shed. A city where life is so fickle. A city of in-justice. Robert Hill - Also known as the Kentucky Kid was an entertainer who was murdered in his search for justice by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (the police force of Jamaica). Prior to this , h e had filmed policemen beating him and his wife, Kumiko, who was eight months pregnant during one beatin g. His was a voice that was drowned amidst the hail of gun-fire. He had spoken out that he was going to killed because he dared to challenge the police. They had beaten him till he was hospitalised previously, and there was even a video of it which he had posted on you tube. This obviously enraged this merchants of death as they came and dispatched him to the great beyond in a rather bloody and messy fashion. This were this last words to the world: Kentucky Kid "Hello Jamaica. I'm Robert Hill AKA Kentucky Kid. I really don't know what ...