
Showing posts from December 22, 2014


Once did we lay Our souls kissed  Your lips touched my core The sensation I never missed I was loved like a lady I slept like a baby I experienced pleasure more than I'd ever known  I experienced pleasure Too celestial for this soul  I know this because it had no aftertaste  It was the first time I was a bud  Softly opened to the sun I have become a flower Blooming in full power Your hands were firm on me Without fear or uncertainty I lay inert in still delight And the spring gurgled forth....


A maleophile ©  can be defined as an ardent visual enthusiast of the superior male form. | | | | \/ Symmetry, visual harmony, their physical strength, their legs, backs, bottoms. Their thick full head of hair(sorry baldies). That curve of the underarm which runs across the front of one-half of the chest area. Beautiful symmetry and form right down to the lower abdomen with its profusion of potent earthiness The superior male form is a thing of beauty indeed. Their thick head of hair. Their hairy bodies. I’m refering to beautiful friendly visually appealing hair... condensed, rug like; short body hair, zero to little back hair, reasonable buttom fuzz on small and taut firm man booty (no wide loads, pls and thanks).   Oh, and take note that is not always necessarily in a sexual light.  My love for visually harmonious male bodies does not not mean I want to jump in bed with what I see. Admiring his body does not necessarily mean I want to kn...