
Showing posts from November 21, 2014


I have been in a haze for the last two years, mainly functioning on auto-Pilot; suppressing my natural exuberant openness to say exactly what was on my mind withOut (insert word here).  Never been a pack animal, always ran solo; enjoyed my company more than when in the company of actual humans.  The best times of my life I have remembered have been with meSelf. Solitude is good. Quiet is nice.  Peace is even better. The world is tumultuous enough as it is, why compound an already fraught situation? Everyday one drives out of the gate is like going inTo a battleField.  Humans and their varied psychological issues, emotional drama, deviousness, secret social cues that you are expected to know about, and if you don't then you must have horns. It's e-x-h-a-u-sting. I'm glad I have the sort of job that occupies my ADD brilliantly, satisfies my restLess need to explore, invent, expand outSide the so-Called parameters of human existence. But, the piece ...