
Showing posts from August, 2015


I was contacted recently by an acquaintance from the days of yore.  You see, she used to be my friend; then she beCame an acquaintance. When she called me, I was open-minded hearing from her. Reminisced about the good old early 20s mayhem and brouhaha. She said she found me on facebook. I had not checked her profile or anyThing, so I had no clue what she looked like now, or what she was up to.  I chatted away, her response to my chatter seemed someWhat forced. She said she was "proud" of me kept saying I taught her how to hustle, implying that I contributed to where she was. She said she lived in Staten Island and she still did her importation business. I was happy for her, she was doing well.   So, I probed excitedly; asking for more details about her life. She said she had a job("well, it pays the bills"), she had a daughter("oh, I am not married by the way; it's just one of those things"). Now, I actually started listening. The laughter...


Work while they sleep.    Work when they work.       Work while awake.          Work when asleep.             Work when you eat.                 Work when you drive.                    Work, work, work, work.                               Thus, shalt thou thrive.  YES.