
Showing posts from October, 2011

The Consequence of Action

What are the natural consequences for our actions? Do we do things be-cause of the Re-ward System i.e external approval..? Do we do it for the applauding of our 'just' and 'proper' actions there-by creating a plat-form of credibility which will serve as the foundation for the World to deal with us based on our history of propriety? Does this then mean that all we do is directly related to the feed-back we get from others..? Do we really under-take any action in the presence of another just for the sake of that action with-out sub-conscious (or conscious) thought given to it or for the re-ward system - which is basically the re-lease of psychological endorphins we experience at the point of execution? There is a natural consequence of just actions with-out a consciousness of a Re-ward System. Then, there is the 'natural' consequence of action which give credence to a Re-ward System and is perhaps consciously tailored to elicit that exact re-ward. ...

The Voyage of Us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of Humanity is one of courage, it is of hope, it is of Acceptance. It is of eyes peering in the horizon believing there is utopia behind it. The journey of Humanity is one of struggle, of blood, of war, of Tears. It is of the pursuit of Happiness, it is of Free-dom. It is of Faith. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of  Humanity is one of travel, of adventure, of Curiousity. It is of exploring new terrains, it is of Excitement. The journey of Humanity is one of  rejuvenation, of Re-formation, of Re-birth. It is of re-production, of Refurbishment. It is of Renaissance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of Humanity is one of music, of beauty, of laughter, Sharing. It of eating, it is of community, it is of smiles, it is of Hugs. The journey of Humanity is one of dancing, of Competition. It of service, it is of sub-mission. it is of Prayer It is of our Universa...

The Magnificent Innocents

I wrote this during a pocket of time several moons past. A time when the world stood still as the two once proud and most significant ladies fell and crumbled in a heap of their own filth as the world looked on in helplessness and electrifying awe .... I wonder what thoughts swirled around the steel and concrete heads of the glorious twins as went as they crumbled in-to the yawning abyss forcefully getting wider on the floor of the urban jungle. I wonder.... Oh, great the fall of Babylon!  The once proudest of all the Iroko trees in the land now lay broken and dis-membered in the belly of the urban jungle. No longer do they dominate, being fawned over by man and foe alike. Now, they lay crushed and dis-used like broken dolls who have out-lived their usefulness....  but not be-fore making as grand an exit as their entry had been.  I wonder what sort of conversation they had every morning as they stood high against they sky-line surveying the teemi...