The Magnificent Innocents

I wrote this during a pocket of time several moons past.

A time when the world stood still as the two once proud and most significant ladies fell and crumbled in a heap of their own filth as the world looked on in helplessness and electrifying awe ....

I wonder what thoughts swirled around the steel and concrete heads of the glorious twins as went as they crumbled in-to the yawning abyss forcefully getting wider on the floor of the urban jungle.

I wonder....

Oh, great the fall of Babylon! 

The once proudest of all the Iroko trees in the land now lay broken and dis-membered in the belly of the urban jungle. No longer do they dominate, being fawned over by man and foe alike. Now, they lay crushed and dis-used like broken dolls who have out-lived their usefulness....  but not be-fore making as grand an exit as their entry had been. 

I wonder what sort of conversation they had every morning as they stood high against they sky-line surveying the teeming hub of Humanity flowing around their roots and with-in their belly. 

They must have been rather con-tent and happy as well....

Until tragedy struck....

Struck for no other reason beyond the fact of their dominance and significance. The latter implying that they had (prior to their demise) literarily been a pillar of support to their community and the world at large.

Ah, these great magnificient innocents died simply be-cause they were.... MAGNIFICIENT.

I wrote this poem seven years ago for the Magnifient Innocents that were brought down on the date we all will never for-get:
So,  I dedicate this poem to lives lost, to homes ripped apart, to a nation divided- by fear they exist, to lives for-ever changed, to the dark in the heart of man, to bravery, to courage under toxic dust, to dedication, to duty, to fearlessness, to love for man-kind, to living side-by-side with sorrow and joy, to believing, to dying for a cause, to national in-security, to oil, TO GOD, to war, to America, to.... HUMANITY.

The after-math of terror,
Illusions of grandeur,
Feelings of wonder,
Rendered asunder, 

A state of inertia
Achieved through dementia
Which will now usher
A reign of Insatia

Peace to all man-kind.

The End.


  1. I know a better way, this mind of yours could be more useful to humanity.

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    My e-mail address is on my profile.

    Peace to us all.


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