Obsession and Cowardice

Ever-one has an obsession.
Every-one is obsessesed with some-thing.
Some people claim to get rid of an obsession, but in reality, they are only re-placing it with another one.
In a pocket of time past, I heard a preacher say that if you give your life to Jesus the Christ, old things will pass away and all things will be-come new.
What is the implication of a life-changing statement?
You stop obsessing with Self and start obsessing with Christ. Basically, re-placing one obsession with another.
Ok, I am going to veer off this lane in-to another. It is all on the same high-way though....
The bed-rock of all Religion is Faith. Now, we all know Faith is based on bias. So, what does this imply then? In a nut-shell, it infers that all Religion is founded on bias.
Religion is all about be-longing. It is about the innate need to be led. It is about dependence. It is about the giving up of responsibility to another.
It is a ...... Covert Absolution Operation.
Moving along....
To whom much is given, much is required. Hmmm, is this apt? But most of all, is it necessarily a conclusive fact..? The person whom much is "given to", did he ask for it..? And if it was "given", not taken, then why is any-thing required from him?
Giving means to GIVE. Of which the word GIFT is a connotation of.
Which basically boils down to Covert Hypocrisy.
Entering another lane.....
We hear talk of "The Enemy".
Who is this enemy?
The Devil..?
We lie, we cheat, we steal, we indulge in shameful sexual activities, we are unbelievably selfish and self-centred. Is the Devil really responsible for all this..?
Why do we keep trying to absolve our-selves of our Humanity through the blame game?
Why do we keep trying to justify our actions through lack of account of accountability?
We ALONE are responsible for our actions.
When we say the Devil is the sole force be-hind our weaknesses and negative energies, it is tantamount to sheer cowardice!
Let us live our lives.
Let us die our deaths.
But, above all..... let us stop attributing every bump we encounter on this road called Life to the Devil.
Peace to all.
wow!!! 9ice piece kip it comming faith
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
ReplyDeleteLife is about accountability for our actions/reactions/inaction and responsibility towards others
ReplyDelete@Felix - It seems you imply that that is all there is to it....