
I do not think it is complicated, really.

If you know what you are capable of, truly, truly capable of, due to the fact that you have delved inTo the depth of your core internal root a la Principium Individuationis, then you would not settle for a life which is less than your Alternate Reality - AltReal© (similar pronunciaton to Montreal).

Alternate Reality is the life we imagine we should have been living if the present is not the desired. If the present were the desired, then we would be living our actual lives without yearning for that which has been lost.
Alternate Reality is usually well complimented/ accompanied with Past Glory Mentality (PGM)  -  "I used to be... I used to look like...  I used to.., if you doubt me go and ask so and so" about how I used to... what I used to...  I do not think it is that complicated, really.

Why live in a present that is unBearable thereBy risking an AltReal? Why? To what aim? Why would I want to live an agitated life? Do not confuse active with agitated.

Active - external.
Agitated - internal.
Active - bene.
Agitated - not so bene.

There's soooo much Life out there, why would I want to miss out on it? I mean, why in the name of Zeus would I not want to drink and taste and savour every last drop of her delightful nectar juice? Suck her dry and smack my lips, baying at the moon an extra-Terrestial animal cry. Fangs dripping with red nectar juice.  

I do not think it is as complicated as folks try to make out, really.

When you have known yourSelf, underStood yourSelf; then, you will know what you have to do.  A leads to B (says logic). Moving from A to C could be a recipe for disaster, if you have no knowledge of what B is about.  If, on the other hand; you have grasped the useful elements of the constitution of B, then hoolahoopteedoo to you.
Hurry along now, C's awaiting. BUT, if you do not understand B and shrug it aside, move to C, get an f-  and STILL make the quantum leap to D.  At some point, it is all going to come back and give a major bite in a place major bites should not be given. You will then find yourself lost and ill-equipped to manage Phase D. Then, that little green stream of bile starts to seep in...  and once it gets in tough tough tough to get out, if ever. It will take residence in your psyche and even reDecorate. Before you know it, you're permanently at war inSide and outSide of yourself.  The Sourgrapesidisis virus will begin breaking down the molecular structure of the internal fibre of the individual till s/he becomes an automaton , racing to life's finish on auto-pilot `with a full tank of Premium Fear petrol.

Empty and drained of the human spark, waiting to Die.
Always waiting...  always imagining an AltReal...  Didn't even make it halfway - to M at least). Grinding halt, at D; without the benefits and nourishment of B and C, having never really left A. Wasted life. Wasted youth. Wasted time.

C'est ne pas Complicato.  
C'est un A. B. C.  

~  Fin ~


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