Dons Of Justice
I have been having sleepLess nights thinking about the upComing "Dawn Of Justice". This is the movie that will put to rest the age long dispute of Superman vs Batman, though I think it be a draw beCause if either defeats the other; they will have a full scale riot on their hands from Team Super or Team Bat.
Initially, when I heard Ben Afleck was going to play Batman; I thought - the end has arrived. This franchise is over. How can they use a failed superhero (Daredevil) to play (one of) the GREATEST superhero(es) in the history of manKind? Do they not underStand the magnitude of their actions? Must be some kind of joke.
That was then...
After seeing a few sneak peaks, a trailer here and there (never bother to read the reviews of others before seeing a movie), I could not believe how brilliantly suited he was to play that role. Jennifer Garner, you lucky bitch (yes, I used the word). Had this fellow for ten whole years. Affleck is definitely an ass man (YES, I said it) . *sigh*... and, he is 6feet 4inches. *sigh sigh sigh *
Not to deviate... #ADD #Batman
If the previews are anyThing to go by, the visuals are going to absolutely celestial. It is also a groundBreaking instalment in the Marvel + DC universe due to the fact that it shows the aftermath of their reveal to the world.
I have always wondered how Superman coExisted among frail and weak humans in the light of his inDisputable superiority. Think about it, he is an alien who is more powerful than ANYTHING on this planet. More powerful than all the nuclear arsenal of USSR, Iran, USA, North + South Korea, Asia and the entire South Pacific combined. Same guy who turns coals to diamonds with his bare hands (rather convenient). This is the fellow who goes to the SUN to chill, for crying out loud. Humans, through time have been known for rejecting over time that which defers from their norm. Would really love to see how this plays out.
Also, why is Batman fighting him? Is it beCause he (Battie) is human, thereFore; siding with humans? Is it beCause there cannot be two captains, etc? Is it the Marvel and DC issue? I can see Ben Afleck being breathtakingly brilliant in this role. He has such a dark side. In addition, a middle-aged grey haired Batman? That, I have to see.
The most perplexing aspect that I cannot comprehend is how in the world scrawny Gal Gadot is WONDER WOMAN, but; I will not judge. I have vowed to keep an open mind (learnt my lesson from Daniel Craig #JamesBond) and I will stop using beLoved Lynda Carter as the yardStick (although... she is). Still, why Gal Gadot??! (Still trying not to judge...) Beanpole androgynous Gal Gadot with her non-existent hips. Unless they pad her hip area (or something), I do not know how this will work.
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The Gal is a string bean. |
Do. Not. Judge.
Open mind, remember?
Still, I cannot help but wonder...
Open mind, remember?
Still, I cannot help but wonder...
There is a reason why she is called Wonder WOMAN, not wonder man. |
Moving on from this troubling aspect to... my absolute BESTest actor on this planet - Jeremy Irons (seconded by a tie between darling breathtaking Tom Hardy and Daniel Day-Lewis [insert Vincent Cassel here] ). The fact that he is in this movie is already a potent motivation. To top it all, the fact that he is playing Alfred with that gravelly voice and stiff walk of his is beyond sublime.
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Me love you loooooong time, Jeremy. |
*sigh* |
If they had added Tom Hardy to this mix, I might need to be hospitalised midWay through.
Jared Leto is going to be sublime as the Joker. I imagine those clear blue eyes of his widening with the manic psychosis which defines the character. Like I said, I have stopped sleeping at night. The countDown has beGun and it is driving me out of my skin. I am subConsciously pulling my out my hair over this. Like I said, I hope I do not faint in the cinema. In 3D as well. Lord help me. This is too much. In ONE movie?? Too much. #Cavill #Superman #Afleck #Batman #Irons #Alfred
Dawn of Justice has reDefined the DC universe. This one will certainly break the box office to infinity and beyond. This, just might the GREATEST superhero movie ever made.
Hello Dawn of Justice, I see you... and thou art tres magnifique!!! |
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