The Search for GOD

The most beautiful experience we can have, is the Mysterious.
It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the root of True Art and True Science.

It is a know-ledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate.

It is a perception of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most abstract primitive forms are accessible to our minds – it is this knowledge and emotion that constitute true religiousity.

A genuine Faith must recognize that it is through a dark glass we see; though by Faith we do penetrate sufficiently to the heart of the mystery not to be overwhelmed by it.

A genuine Faith resolves the mystery of Life by the mystery of GOD.

It recognizes that no aspect of Life or Existence explains it-self; even after all known causes and consequences have been traced.

All Existence is ancient; and ancient has no beginning.

All known Existence points beyond it-self.

To realize that it points beyond it-self to GOD is to assert that the mystery of Life does not dissolve Life into meaninglessness.

GOD does not die on the day we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illuminated by the steady radiance, renewed of a daily wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.

Faith in GOD is Faith is some ultimate unity of Life, in some final comprehensive purpose which holds all the various and frequently contradictory, realms of coherence and meaning together.

Peace to us all.


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