The Geometry of Rationality
Some-one once said to me Logic is the Geometry of Thought.
I was initially blown away by the written sequence, then when the initial euphoria had died down and the adrenaline had worn off, the smile began to fade....
"Logic is the Geometry of Thought"..?
I began to ponder on the above statement....
For starters, what is "Logic"? Secondly, what is "Thought"?
Well, they seem to be cut out of the same cloth. Logic can be said to be in the Senior Management Division of the Mental Organisation called Thought.
What is Geometry? This ingredient that seems to spice up boring old thought and transforms it in-to an exciting genre of the Mental called Logic. Well, Geometry is a mathematical term implying a shape, configuration or arrangement or a relation-ship between lines, angles, solids and their properties.
Ok, fair enough. Mathematics and all of its sub-entities fall under Logic some-what. We can basically say Mathematics is a mental excursion brought on by the visual; same with Logic as well. And, visual in this case is not necessarily external.
Now, back to the finding of the geometrical pattern of Logic via Thought....
First, let us give a concise break-down of the key words in the key statement.
1. Logic.
2. Geometry.
3. Thought.
Let us begin with the establishment under which the last two re-side;
1. What is thought?
Thought can be de-fined as the process where the neurons of the mind are placed in-to neat mental pockets called thinking.
That's my definition any-way......
Ok, what then is THINKING?
Thinking can be de-fined as the conception and the revolution of ideas in the mind.
Hmmm, what then are IDEAS?
An idea is basically an image of an external object formed by the mind. And, external does not necessarily imply that it was acquired by our external visual aid.
Now, on to Logic.
What is Logic? Logic is basically the Art and Science of structural reasoning following the principles of any assured belief.
Sounds just about right. And away to Geometry we go.
What is Geometry? We already have the definition of Geometry - use your external visual aid to re-trace your textual foot-steps.
Now, how do we translate the statement "Logic is the Geometry of Thought" to every-day speak?
We can say:
Logic is the Geometry of Thought = The relation-ship of the varied pockets of structured ideas contained with-in the revolutions of the mental.
Or, we can simply say:
Logic is the Geometry of Thought = %@&;%^#

I was initially blown away by the written sequence, then when the initial euphoria had died down and the adrenaline had worn off, the smile began to fade....
"Logic is the Geometry of Thought"..?
I began to ponder on the above statement....
For starters, what is "Logic"? Secondly, what is "Thought"?
Well, they seem to be cut out of the same cloth. Logic can be said to be in the Senior Management Division of the Mental Organisation called Thought.
What is Geometry? This ingredient that seems to spice up boring old thought and transforms it in-to an exciting genre of the Mental called Logic. Well, Geometry is a mathematical term implying a shape, configuration or arrangement or a relation-ship between lines, angles, solids and their properties.
Ok, fair enough. Mathematics and all of its sub-entities fall under Logic some-what. We can basically say Mathematics is a mental excursion brought on by the visual; same with Logic as well. And, visual in this case is not necessarily external.
Now, back to the finding of the geometrical pattern of Logic via Thought....
First, let us give a concise break-down of the key words in the key statement.
1. Logic.
2. Geometry.
3. Thought.
Let us begin with the establishment under which the last two re-side;
1. What is thought?
Thought can be de-fined as the process where the neurons of the mind are placed in-to neat mental pockets called thinking.
That's my definition any-way......
Ok, what then is THINKING?
Thinking can be de-fined as the conception and the revolution of ideas in the mind.
Hmmm, what then are IDEAS?
An idea is basically an image of an external object formed by the mind. And, external does not necessarily imply that it was acquired by our external visual aid.
Now, on to Logic.
What is Logic? Logic is basically the Art and Science of structural reasoning following the principles of any assured belief.
Sounds just about right. And away to Geometry we go.
What is Geometry? We already have the definition of Geometry - use your external visual aid to re-trace your textual foot-steps.
Now, how do we translate the statement "Logic is the Geometry of Thought" to every-day speak?
We can say:
Logic is the Geometry of Thought = The relation-ship of the varied pockets of structured ideas contained with-in the revolutions of the mental.
Or, we can simply say:
Logic is the Geometry of Thought = %@&;%^#

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