Linear Archetype vs Cyclical Prototype

Every-thing in Life occurs cyclically and repeatedly.

We will experience every-thing in Life over and over.

They may come in diverse forms, but, it is basically the same masquerading as the different.
Mythic Archetype is not externally imposed, but internally generated with-in each person. The universal wish to be original can-not conceal that each of us is some-thing of a copy; repeating previous lives with the in-authenticity of inverted (or perverted commas). Lurking beneath the superficialities of personality, most people are types rather than individuals.

Although, the "same", could some-how manage to be-come the "new".

Those who believe in progress like to depict the world as moving in a straight line, to-wards an in-definable goal.

There is also the school of thought that abandons the idea of Linear Development be-cause it despairs of Human history.

Ok, let us explore both the Cyclical Occurrence and Linear Development further by falling back on the notions of a universal condition humaine or a rhythm of eternal recurrence which occur both in Linear Development and Cyclical Occurrence, be-cause with-in their own realm, both are committed to cease-less change, turmoil and re-creation of which they have similar, but different portrayals of.

It is un-deniable that autocratic minds have been attracted to the idea of  history as a Cycle. But, as I grow older, I have been noting that such minds are fixated on the Linear view as well. Some say history is a straight line moving to-wards the "manifestation of GOD".
 I, being more mature than yesterday, there-fore take some comfort in the mellow realisation that all is never completely lost.

So, perhaps, do we then say that history SPINNING for-ward to-wards a definable goal..?

Every-thing changes even as it remains the same, and that difference then gives the repitition point and purpose.

In the Future..... which is the sister of the Past.... I may see my-self as I sit here now, but by reflection, from that which then.....

I shall be..


  1. Faith...sure thing that there's nothing new under the face of the earth as Solomon posited thousands of years ago!

  2. I am inclined to concur with you, oh anonymous one....


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