Rituals of EXISTence
Power over Neuronal Lethargy and Anonymity.
The more know-ledge we acquire, the more we move closer to the door that leads to the absolute state which transcends the mediocrity that is the foundation of every-day existence.
Some-times..... I wonder.... if there's really safety in ignorance and boundary(self imposed and societally imposed) limitations....
What would life be like with-out boundaries?
Would it be a state of absolute free-dom or absolute chaos..? Or would our previous state(s) of mind be-come colossally enhanced..? Perhaps, there might be the certain sense of Free-dom that comes with the breaking of a barrier..... the dipping of the toe tip in for-bidden waters.
The sense of taboo, the thrill of excitement and also of..... danger.
We can-not say we are LIVING when there is the predictability of the out-come of our lives.
We are born; we acquire formal academic know-ledge; we get a job; we start a family and then we re-live our lives and the opportunities we failed to utilize when the opportunities were still avail-able to us through our off-spring(s?). (Oh, lest I for-get, we participate in some extra-curricular activities as well....).
In just four stages, our lives are over.
But, the question remains: Have we LIVED?
Do we feel Alive?
Have we felt ALIVE?
Have we experienced that in-tense feeling of exhilaration that ONLY comes with the TRUE awakening of your senses? That feeling that makes us aware that we are mere Vessels of Mediocrity that screams with a hollow echo when tapped faintly,
Have we experienced that feeling that makes us question the.... Rituals of EXISTence..?
This, is not rebellion, but Self-awareness - of which there is no comparability between both.
Rebellion is a secret and some-what pathetic craving for attention, all in a bidi to prove we are "different". But, the reality is that deep down, it is a cry for help. It is an expression of the acute desire to be rescued,,,,, from our-selves.
Self-awareness, on the other hand, is an expression of curiousitiy, hunger and a certain satiation that comes with the know-ledge and under-standing of who we are.
Ok, let me expand on this:
It is the knowing of Self.
It is the making of Peace with your-self.
It is the embracing of YOU for your sake.
It iis the shedding of the crabby exo-skeleton that prevent one from bathing in the liberating wind of Mother Earth,
It is the dis-solution of the gargantuan ball of wax in one's ears that prevent the auditory appreciation of the individual and distinctly diverse musical notes that are produced in this great theatre called Mother Earth.
It is an almost state of Nirvana (as the attainment of full Nirvana is a gross impossibility if we have consistent inter-actions with the grind of Humanity).
It is the triumph of SELF.
Those who question their EXISTence will ALWAYS find it hollow and empty; vacant and seeking.
Then, there are those - the Brave souls who make the transition from existing to LIVING. They were able to achieve this.... seeming impossibility by first dreaming, then Believing in the possibility of the realisation of their dream. And then, BE-COMING the dream.
They decided to Be.
They decided to Feel.
They decided to LIVE!
They CHOSE to be alive and fly, than exist and trudge.
The truth of the matter is that in experiencing LIVING, in totalty, there will be: excruciating Pain, mind-splitting Heart-ache, mind-boggling Con-fusion, deep murderous Hatred, over-whelming, un-conditional, self-sacrificing Love.

According to Rene Descartes - I think, there-fore I am.
According to Omo Faith Oshodin - I LIVE, there-fore I be-come.
hmmm...Tipping point thoughts! I particularly like the clarity with which you explain being Alive & merely existing as well as the distinguishing factors between self-awareness and rebellion! I feel more Nigerians have the chance to truly express their being alive instead of running thru the chores of acquiring the material stuffs that puts you in the level of those existing.But what do we do? Maybe only a few people are destined to Live & the remaining majority,just to go thru the "rituals of existence"..Tope
ReplyDeleteWell said Tope....
ReplyDeleteI guess we can call the destined few, the Braves who decided to swim through the Ocean of Liberation in-stead of standing at the shore-line shaking their fist at the non-existent horizon....