The Intellectual MAhhhTERIALIST

Why is there the general impression that if you're an intellectual, you can-not also be materialistic to the nth degree?

Just because one has a deep under-standing of knowledge based issues does not mean that one can-not appreciate the two-dimensional pleasures of every-day living.

You can walk with your head in the clouds while carrying this season's Balenciaga's and wearing impractical satin Manolo Blahniks. After-all, every TRUE fashionista (not za vanna-be's, but those who have a highly developed instinct for fashion) knows that fashion is NEVER practical and it is of course NEVER comfortable.

We adjust and find comfort from the dis-comfort.

Why can an intellectual not look Sexy and Smoking hot?
My Famous Legs at Heaven's Door

It's really that simple.

I rest my case.


  1. I totally agree with this. A lot of intellectual women don't really take care of themselves. Keep it up Omo!

  2. Yes, they focus on the mental and ignore the physical. Why can one not be in top shape mentally and physically?

  3. Nice legs, I must say.
    Difficult to appreciate the intellect with those legs distracting somebody o jare.


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