Island of Music and MURDER


A city of muderers in uninform.

A city of so much blood-shed.
A city where life is so fickle.
A city of in-justice.

Robert Hill - Also known as the Kentucky Kid was an entertainer who was murdered in his search for justice by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (the police force of Jamaica). Prior to this, he had filmed policemen beating him and his wife, Kumiko, who was eight months pregnant during one beating. His was a voice that was drowned amidst the hail of gun-fire. He had spoken out that he was going to killed because he dared to challenge the police. They had beaten him till he was hospitalised previously, and there was even a video of it which he had posted on you tube. This obviously enraged this merchants of death as they came and dispatched him to the great beyond in a rather bloody and messy fashion. This were this last words to the world:

Kentucky Kid
"Hello Jamaica. I'm Robert Hill AKA Kentucky Kid. I really don't know what is going on but all I know, police are covering up for each other and they're trying to kill me. All I know is I can't get any justice. Who will fix my car? Who will take care of my health? ] I can't get any justice from anyone in Jamaica. All I know is everywhere I go for justice in the police force there is someone there trying to kill me or someone there trying to set me up with the police. So I would like the whole world to check this out, listen to this, and know that if I'm dead or anything happens to me, it's the Jamaican police that carry out that work or that order".

The world did not hear, and his blood joined the red river flowing through the streets of Jamaica. 

Kumiko Hill - Ran back to Japan with their child since her protector and provider was now gone.

Ricardo Scott - Murdered in cold blood on the streets in the full view of the inner city inhabitants - a lower class of citizens; too low to do any-thing beyond murmur be-hind closed doors.

To mention a few. 

Then, there is is Ricardo Scott's baby sister standing in front of a police station clutching the bogus police that they issued to cover up the heinous crime committed against her brother. A camera crew is in front of her documenting what she says. She's looks in-to the lenses facing her with tears streaming down her face holding up the bogus report, hoping her voice will be heard. Hoping she will find justice for her big brother.

Then, there is the Rat-Bat gang. 

These are a group of young men from the ghettos who got together as a means of cleaning their environment and instilling values in their neighbour-hood. But, alas, they are greatly mis-understood due to their poor economic status and illiteracy.

Jamaica.... Blood soaked streets. Rotten to the core.

And the person who is supposed to be building up and maintaining the society is Reneto Adams.

Reneto Adams
Reneto "kill them be-fore they kill you" Adams - Is he a villain or a mis-understood hero?
I say he is a product of a decayed system which is rather abysmal as he has lost faith in the good-ness that lies in his people. The ones he should be protecting, in-stead of butchering and setting up.


If Africa is the dark continent, then, Jamaica is its PITCH BLACK annex. 


  1. Just as D'Angelo once said "there aint no justice, its just us"
    At times I wonder if civisilation did more harm than good, we simply learnt more ways to be cruel to each other.
    We always have been cruel to each other, pre colonial and post colonial. We even powered the colonials when they first arrived by trading our kinsmen for mirrors. And today, nothing much h as changed, we only have a politically correct form of slavery that is all.

  2. I will agree with you on the politically correct bit, but I will dis-agree with you on the civilisation improving our Cruelty Quotient. The heart of man is dark and it is only societal rules that keep man from revelling his darkness with blatant ignominy.


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