Strange, but true...

I have often operated on the philosophy that there is good inSide EVERYONE.
So, I create a relationShip with the good inSide, and ignore the bad.

I had (had) the philosophy that if I search for gloom, that; I will find.
I believed (believed) that EVERYONE has that spark of life and was inherently good. 

Naive? I think not, and I'll explain why.  There is Good and Bad inSide all of us. The good in us gets lost when we overCompromise ourSelves to the point where we have absolutely no Identity of Self. No sense of right or wrong, to the point it all beComes one blurry image. Wrong is not identified as wrong beCause there is no sense of right.

Is this Ignorance?
Yes, in its true and potent definition.

You see, the interesting thing is when you meet the heavily compromised, the lost (is "lost" the word to use here?), you always know if you know what to look for.  Well, for one to be(lost), implies that they had a path which they strayed from. One fascinating thing I have discovered in my journeys through life is that there are people who have absolutely no sense of self.  No sense of direction, no sense of morality, of wrong or right, always yearning for that which they can never have.  Always feeling less.


I have had the opportunity to realise that there the people on the other end of the spectrum. People who have made me realise that the things I take for granted are blessings inDeed. There are people in this world who are absolutely...  nothing.  Vacuous.  Walking caricatures.
Shocking, but true.
It took a really long time for this inFormation to break inTo my consciousness as I just could not fathom such an existence of. . .  nothingness. But, it is true, it does exist; and the fascinating thing is they know, they have conceded to the fact that they are damned.

They simply. . .  exist.
Grinding through the motions of everyDay "life". No joy in the present, none from the past, nothing to look forWard to in the future.

The Walking Damned - prepared to drag everyOne down with them.
Do you know that there are people in this world who do not wish for others to excel in any way?

I discovered this less than a year ago.
I presumed EVERY-ONE saw the big picture and always worked for the greater good.

Is there good inSide everyOne?
As much as one might wish for this to be true…


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