Le Chemin de Dieu

Natural Creativity is a channel through which GOD speaks and the Natural Creative is His mouthPiece. Mozart, Picasso, Nietsczhe, Hendrix, Mercury, Jackson, Tesla. With Natural Creativity, you either have it or you don't. It cannot be forced, it cannot really be learned. Hence, the term  "Gift".

To enjoy true communication from GOD, that channel from the human sphere to the spiritual has to be free of pollution. It must be a clear path, free of hypocrisy. This is the only way. There is just no way the voice of GOD in all its beauty will come through a channel where it has to run the gauntlet of putrid energies. It needs to seamlessly flow through. I am talking of the real deal, not religious conditioning which has trained your psyche to believe what is not as what is.
GOD is real. 

It has always baffled me how anyone can say otherWise. Have you looked at the magnificent machinery that is the human being? Humans are still discovering with each passing day what the human entity is capable of. The human being (look up the meaning of "being" for better clarification) is a very complex entity. Spirit, body, brain, heart, mental, social, emotional, psychological, eyes - how they transmit information to the brain. How everyThing complements everyThing and if there is a slight deviation from the norm, it causes havoc to everyDay functionality.

Have you looked around you at the wonder of creation? 

Can you not see the masterful planning involved? A master - architect, scientist, musician, chemist, psychologist and so much more than our puny human mind can comprehend must have had some inPut, surely. The earth is not a fluke. Everything compliments everyThing. Night complements day. Cold complements hot. Woman complements man.

I am not turning my back on science either. Not arguing with the scientific theories that have been proven or are yet to be. The only topic I thoroughly disAgree with science on is the one which says GOD does not exist. That is rather myopic, n'est pas?  Myopia and spiritually under-Developed. Folks who say GOD does not exist simply prove that the vastness of the human mind is only limited to the theories learnt within this earthly fence; which as broad-ranging as it is, is not infinite.

Infinite knowledge in all ramifications is possible, as long as one is open the idea of other possibilities
beSides that which they know.
 ad infinita - ad infiniti - ad infinito.  ad infinitum....


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