A maleophile© can be defined as an ardent visual enthusiast of the superior male form.


Symmetry, visual harmony, their physical strength, their legs, backs, bottoms. Their thick full head of hair(sorry baldies). That curve of the underarm which runs across the front of one-half of the chest area.

Beautiful symmetry and form right down to the lower abdomen with its profusion of potent earthiness

The superior male form is a thing of beauty indeed.

Their thick head of hair. Their hairy bodies. I’m refering to beautiful friendly visually appealing hair... condensed, rug like; short body hair, zero to little back hair, reasonable buttom fuzz on small and taut firm man booty (no wide loads, pls and thanks).  Oh, and take note that is not always necessarily in a sexual light. My love for visually harmonious male bodies does not not mean I want to jump in bed with what I see. Admiring his body does not necessarily mean I want to know him. 

Big strong arms, thick corded neck, full head of hair, yummy valley running down the broad strong back to the dimples above the deliciously tantalising peak of the heavenly behind leading down to wonderful long strong legs

He’s so beautifuuulll.

I do not think at this point I need to state that by men, I mean the good looking clean cut successful, well travelled, good-hearted, sweet smelling, full head of hair, reasonable height (5.10 - 6.5), stylish, intelligent, variety with a certain... x factor. This one is what constitutes the visual icing on the cake.
Lenny.  Lenny.  Lenny... tsk tsk tsk

These days, I find mySelf preferring a man with a broader outlook. A  reasonably tested veteran of life. Experienced. Take note that experience has nothing to do with age but everything to do with... experience. Men who are aware of their physical form without being conceited about it. He knows he’s got it but does not feel the need to flaunt it because he has a lot going for him beyond his physicality. His body is simply le cherry on top of his delicious mix of... maleness.

Strong long fit legs, the definition is visible through the pants (nice fabric too); also not leaving out nice nice yummy yum
behind and ripped thighs

Men with beautiful bodies (neither steroid abs nor biceps). Toned, taut and muscular with a little give when felt. The jury is still out on pits - hairy or shaved ? Low trim, perhaps ? Verdict’s not in on that one. The (aesthetically appealing) male (small and taut firm man) bottom has got to be one of the most aweSome things on planet earth. It is just so different from ours(women). They are firm, pert, bite-worthy, grab-worthy, their movement when they walk. When they bend over, time stands still for a few seconds in honour of how they contract and flex underneath their clothing.

Never liked this bloke, think he's dumber than a door nail. But... with this view? All is forgiven.  This is a nice nice nice yummy heavenly masculine bottom. Pert, firm, proportionate to his broad back and glorious biceps. Perfect V. The broad upper back, the perfect line running from the back through the valley. It is a beautiful sight inDeed. *sigh*

What can I say, I am a huge fan of that part of their anatomy (ze bottom).

Women are 8's, men are V's. This how they balance out the female form.
Their broad shoulders balance out our narrow shoulders, their narrow hips fit between our wider hips. Their broad shoulders and broad chests are there for us(women) to bury ourselves into. Their physical strength balances out our physical weakness, but they need our peculiar brand of strength and fire to survive.

One other fascinating thing is their large hands which swallows ours when they hold it in theirs. 
Their deep voice, corded neck, strong muscular shoulders, body structure so
different from ours (soft and smooth).

Beyond the physical, their protective instincts, the cute way they care, that confused look they get on their face when they do not understand your mood(s) and are not sure how to respond without getting into trouble. The tenderness that comes over their face when they look at you. Their drive, passion, commitment, devotion.

The love of a good man is a wonderful thing.

Men are not monsters or demons with horns and fangs driven primarily by their south pole (some women, please take note). Far from it actually, they are the guardians of women and the knight and hero to the one special woman who gives them wings to fly. 

So, to the MAN who makes it all worthWhile....  here's to you.



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