The story of Batman had always felt sort of....  inComplete.
There has always been so much more beneath the surface of Batman's story, and I am glad someOne finally decided to explore it and bring it to the light of day.  

The story of Batman is a very rich one and the new series "GOTHAM" is one of the best things to have come to television since the coloured screen.  Somebody is thinking straight in that drug fuelled, alcohol crazed Hollywood. I was sceptical at first, but after watching Gordon (Ben McKenzie), E. Nigma, Penguin, and Gordon's partner Harvey (Logue), who for some reason I thought was Dent - and I kept thinking how would this scruffy looking copper make the transition to the DA's office and tomorrow beCome two-face?  He just does not have the depth nor the necessary darkness to pull of the role when the time comes. Besides, he is too sleazy and cynical to be really likeAble. This gnawed at my inSides whenEver I watched it, but the storyLine is too engrossing and dazzling to be faulted. And the cast is just so PERFECTLY cast with a brilliant realistic storyLine which makes the seamLess transition from Superhero world inTo everyDay relatability. It is truly a joy to watch.

This is looking to be my favourite character in this series.  I absolutely LOVE and adore this bloke. Finally, an Alfred that ticks all the boxes. We have searched, probed, and peered.... nothing. This IS Batman's butler, withOut a doubt. It is not realistic to view Alfred as a snivelling old fart (a la Michael Caine). I mean, think about it - Thomas Wayne is a billionaire who has been sustaining his billions, so he most certainly is not some dumb rich schmuck.  He had indicated prior to his death that Alfred will be Master Bruce's guardian, why? Let me elaborate on this: Alfred raised Master Bruce inTo Bruce Wayne. He was the constant in Master Bruce's life.

Let us look at adult Bruce Wayne in an everyDay context: Suave, urbane, controlled, private, dark, perfect gentleMan, lethal, well educated - yet home schooled. Who was at home schooling him?  Let us pause here for a bit and go back to Thomas Wayne. Why hand over the the heir to your BILLION dollar empire to a "mere" butler?  He (Thomas Wayne) was not a foolish person. Besides his immense wealth, he was someOne who wanted to  change the despicable pit that Gotham was inTo someThing remotely clean scented. There is no way this person could have been a pushOver or a dummkopf. Nothing more to say on this.  Do the math.

Moving along...
There's got to be more to Alfred than meets the eye, and this bloke (Sean Pertwee) does this mystery justice with the military bearing, strict expressions, penetrating knowing stare and ABSOLUTE loyalty and respect to Master Bruce. He is nurturing him. In the last few episodes (7 and 8 to be precise) we see young Master Bruce taking charge by issuing strict instructions to Alfred with him (Alfred) obeying even when he did not think it was in Master Bruce's interest.

I found Christopher Nolan's Alfred (Michael Caine) a bit disturbing and out of place. I mean, what is with the weepy mushy gushy emotional whining wreck of a butler who is permanently speaking to Master Bruce in platitudes? Ridiculous. And the grandDaddy movement just did not cut it, AT ALL - no way siree.  I adore Michael Caine, but this just did not feel right. Tim Burton's Alfred played off perfectly against Michael Keaton's dark, brooding, pouting, tortured hero vibe quite well (gawd, he is such a sexy batman - there is something about Keaton that just gets me all hot and bothered, can't explain it; it's beyond his physicality. I think it is his mien or someThing... dunno, cannot quite put my finger on it; but I know I will gladly spread it in a heartBeat if he asked me to. Even seeing him in the recent "Robocop" still got me all hot and bothered. Is it his passionate burning for Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer - BEST Catwoman till date - no conTest), who by the way nailed it and slam dunked it with a cherry on top. Or his... I don't know... well, there is definitely something about Michael Keaton.  I guess that is why they call it star quality.

Skipping along...
The ONLY Batmen worthy of mention are Keaton and Bale - in that order. 
Anything else in between is just a joke and a travesty to this iconic character.
Bale did fantastic justice to this role. He nailed it and slam dunked it with a cherry on top.

Back to Gotham's Alfred - the quintessential English butler.
That he is; but with a twist.


We are given a (realistic) view of the values that shaped the Penguin - from his extremely dysfunctional cloying over-protective mother with zero moral boundaries to his deformity which has resulted in extreme obsequiousness and a knack for survival. One may call him 'catman' as it apparently seems he has nine lives.

Tim Burton's brilliantly executed Penguin was super fantastic in the typical Tim Burton's style of story interpretation. Penguin in this instalment was such an awfully ugly and sad character. Danny Devito's interpretation was simply sheer genius.

Once again, we see perfect backGround to Edward Nygma's quirky and weird personality and obsession with puzzles. Jim Carey's Enigma ("riddle me this, riddle me that") was so brilliantly psychotic in about the worst Batman movie ever made. He stood out like a lightHouse on the dark and troubled seas of that instalment.
Silly Joel Schumacher thought that throwing lots of big names inTo the mix will sell the movie. He totally underEstimated his audience. We do not want to see big names, we want to see adequate character representation. These are our superheroes, do not muck about. How could anyone ever think GEORGE CLOONEY will make a good Batman? I mean, on what planet?? Anyway, talk for another day. I am glad that the current E. Nygma is brilliantly represented in this series and in a way reminiscent of Carey. Someone did their homework. He has got that quirky, weird, eccentric personality which you can tell will translate brilliantly in the future inTo the Riddler. Cannot wait.

Oook, this is one character that came out of thin air, but one cannot imagine the series withOut her. Jada Pinkett-Smith is simply b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t. No words, save AWESOME. Tiny ambitious violent woman with the best nails I have seen in a while (I miss my nails... *sigh*).  No one knows her story or her backGround, but I am sure all will be revealed in due time as the plot unFolds as it simultaneously thickens. In episode 15, after she stabbed Mace (the prison head honcho) - she stood up brandishing a knife, threatening a room full of hardened six footer criminals with "My name is Fish Mooney and I'm in charge now!".  She OWNED that room and made everyOne in it quiver with fear.  Priceless stuff. Way to go Jada!

Five Burning Questions about Gotham's Fish Mooney

The little brat (not in a mean way). A fascinating mix of inDifference, mischief with the right dash of impishness. One can already see the stirrings of her toxic nature. It is easy to see her translate from little Ivy to grown up femme fatale Poison Ivy.
Was having some anxiety issues over the Dent character as I thought that Jim Gordon's partner "Harvey" was THE Harvey, I could not imagine how this unShaved unkempt pudgy character could be the smooth handsome tall suave White Knight of Gotham. Was really troubled over this till I saw the real Dent, and then I knew - this was it. This is the REAL deal and this show is going to be on the air for YEARS. Amen to that.  Also, the chemistry between Dent and Gordon is fantastic. 
In addition, when he snapped at someOne in his office (not sure if it was Falcone or Maroni or someOne else) his dark side surfaced for a bit, so it easy to see how he would evolve inTo two-face later.  Cannot wait.


Jim Gordon!!! They could not have cast a better fellow than Ben McKenzie. Initially, when I saw him; I thought to mySelf -  Uh oh, Mischa Barton's fellow from "The OC" - fingers crossed.  And then, he totally KILLED it.  He IS Jim Gordon, right up there with Christopher Nolan's Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman), though Gary Oldman is the KING - this character was tailored after his portrayal.  The passion, integrity, innocence, charming naivete, obsession with walking on the right path in a city as corrupt and as toxic as Gotham, even alienating himSelf from his colleagues at the GCPD. His troubled romance with Barbara and his budding romance with the doctor who is more his speed, better looking, purpose driven, less drama, with a passion for her work and his. Though, considering Barbara is the name of the woman he eventually ends up with, I am curious to see how this will play out in future episodes. In continuation, his fearlessness and commitment to doing everyThing by the book, he's just got it. The wide-eyed look which conveys everyThing from indignation to exasperation perfectly. The cast director should be given an award.

Talk about a character!

His facial expressions, mannerisms and general mien are priceLess. He has that for-he's-a-jolly-good-fellow vibe. Oh, do not mix issues up, he is a hardened career criminal. Rough around the edges in spite of the bespoke suits. Passionate, open, the exact opposite of....

Now, this is one ruthLess and vicious character who is extremely manipulative as he is subtle and he is the president, commander in chief of Gotham's criminal underWorld.  Refined, distinguished. Uneasy lies the head...

Her living on the streets gives a clearer inSight inTo the values that shaped Selina Kyle - the tough exterior with the heart of gold. Also, it is easy to see the Bruce Wayne connection, etc. Still watching....

In regards to the villains of the series (not necessarily the comics)- Julian Sands as Dr Crane is aweSome, but then; I am extremely biased where he is concerned. I mean, this is WARLOCK! 

Cannot wait to see how the Joker is going to be interpreted in this series.
Also Bane!

Best. Show. EVER!!!


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