The Bible, (according to the book of Genesis) says that God made us in his own image. Ok, fair enough..... But, what "image" is this exactly? Is it the Homo Sapiens? But..... the Homo Sapiens has been in existence for approximately five hundred thousand (500, 000) years. Mean-while, the Earth has been in existence for a little over four and a half (4.55) BILLION years (give or take 1%...). And the Human Race has no known affiliated residence of abode be-sides Earth. So, what image was this "man" that GOD created billions of years ago and what "image" is GOD then if Humans are fashioned after him be-fore they (humans) came in-to existence? Ok, let us give room for skepticism and presume man did not originate from a single organism.... Good? Ok. Some automatons will say that is not a physical image, but a SPIRITUAL one. Ok. Let us look at this closely.... Let us start from the the Hominoidae; also known as the Grea...
This happened to me some-time in the middle of February, 2011 A guide took me to a very deserted beach with-in the Lekki axis in Lagos State, Nigeria called the Ilasan beach. It was very quiet, no sound save for the waves beating against the shore-line trying to over-power it with-out success. My guide promptly retreated out of sight as he sensed I did not need his guidance here. Smart fellow. I looked around me and had the feeling that I was the only human standing in the New World waiting to welcome the cross-overs from the Old World. I felt I was the inhabitant of another planet as there was not an iota of civilisation in sight with the exception of a once proud ship whose progress had been abruptly stopped by the First (1st) Battalion of Sand guarding the shore-line. It had been slapped in the face several ways by Mother Nature for daring to enter her territory. A sorry sight to be-hold, in-deed it was. I looked at the ship and I wondered if it had contai...
Know-ledge is in-deed power. Power over Neuronal Lethargy and Anonymity. The more know-ledge we acquire, the more we move closer to the door that leads to the absolute state which transcends the mediocrity that is the foundation of every-day existence. Some-times..... I wonder.... if there's really safety in ignorance and boundary(self imposed and societally imposed) limitations.... What would life be like with-out boundaries? Would it be a state of absolute free-dom or absolute chaos..? Or would our previous state(s) of mind be-come colossally enhanced..? Perhaps, there might be the certain sense of Free-dom that comes with the breaking of a barrier..... the dipping of the toe tip in for-bidden waters. The sense of taboo, the thrill of excitement and also of..... danger. We can-not say we are LIVING when there is the predictability of the out-come of our lives. We are born; we acquire formal academic know-ledge; we get a job; we start...
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