
Showing posts from August, 2011

Linear Archetype vs Cyclical Prototype

Every-thing in Life occurs cyclically and repeatedly. We will experience every-thing in Life over and over. They may come in diverse forms, but, it is basically the same masquerading as the different. Mythic Archetype is not externally imposed, but internally generated with-in each person. The universal wish to be original can-not conceal that each of us is some-thing of a copy; repeating previous lives with the in-authenticity of inverted (or perverted commas). Lurking beneath the superficialities of personality, most people are types rather than individuals. Although, the "same", could some-how manage to be-come the "new". Those who believe in progress like to depict the world as moving in a straight line, to-wards an in-definable goal. There is also the school of thought that abandons the idea of Linear Development be-cause it despairs of Human history. Ok, let us explore both the Cyclical Occurrence and Linear Development further by falling b...

The Queen of Rock - FREDDIE MERCURY

I was going to write about the greatest Rock Bands. But, I realise there's only one greatest, and it will be a MAJOR slight to share this post with any other. So, I dedicate this post to QUEEN. The GREATEST Rock band of all time. Queen is the greatest rock Band of all time due to the versatility, magnetism and hypnotic charisma of FREDDIE MERCURY.  The band has re-leased a total of: EIGHTEEN NUMBER ONE ALBUMS, EIGHTEEN NUMBER ONE SINGLES, TEN NUMBER ONE DVD's and  HAVE SOLD OVER ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY MILLION ALBUMS with some estimates in excess of THREE HUNDRED MILLION ALBUMS. They have been honoured with SEVEN IVOR NOVELLO AWARDS and were inducted in-to the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME in 2001. Holly-wood Walk of Fame Queen was such a versatile group and all their songs had different characters and evoked different emotions in the listener of which the most consistent are usually Awe and Admiration. I'm not saying Brian May, Rog...

The Geometry of Rationality

Some-one once said to me Logic is the Geometry of Thought. I was initially blown away by the written sequence, then when the initial euphoria had died down and the adrenaline had worn off, the smile began to fade.... "Logic is the Geometry of Thought"..? I began to ponder on the above statement.... For starters, what is "Logic"? Secondly, what is "Thought"? Well, they seem to be cut out of the same cloth. Logic can be said to be in the Senior Management Division of the Mental Organisation called Thought. What is Geometry? This ingredient that seems to spice up boring old thought and transforms it in-to an exciting genre of the Mental called Logic. Well, Geometry is a mathematical term implying a shape, configuration or arrangement or a relation-ship between lines, angles, solids and their properties. Ok, fair enough. Mathematics and all of its sub-entities fall under Logic some-what. We can basically say Mathematics is a mental excursion br...


Cosmopolitan it may seem, Humanity bursting at the seam, Diverse colours almost obscene. All are heard; none are seen. Uniformity in diversity, Chaos in serenity, Ugliness doing beautifully, Still a village disguised as a city. Myriad and diversified, Complex and haughty, Confident, un-unified, Of adulation, always worthy. EDO! My land for-ever o! Oba gha to kpe e I-s-e-e-e.....