Linear Archetype vs Cyclical Prototype

Every-thing in Life occurs cyclically and repeatedly. We will experience every-thing in Life over and over. They may come in diverse forms, but, it is basically the same masquerading as the different. Mythic Archetype is not externally imposed, but internally generated with-in each person. The universal wish to be original can-not conceal that each of us is some-thing of a copy; repeating previous lives with the in-authenticity of inverted (or perverted commas). Lurking beneath the superficialities of personality, most people are types rather than individuals. Although, the "same", could some-how manage to be-come the "new". Those who believe in progress like to depict the world as moving in a straight line, to-wards an in-definable goal. There is also the school of thought that abandons the idea of Linear Development be-cause it despairs of Human history. Ok, let us explore both the Cyclical Occurrence and Linear Development further by falling b...