The African "Man" 's perspective of his Woman

Once the doors are closed with consenting adults behind them, there are really no rules.

And any-one who expects them based on previous mediocre conditioning is right on the pinnacle of Sexual un-enlightenment because that is the same person that will go out-side to seek from others what he can get at home; simply because he's too narrow minded to believe the woman he married could be a passionate wanton creature who will moan and scream same as the whore he's clinically bedding.


In his innocence, he has come to equate the BEAUTY and ART of Sex (one of the most natural and most beautiful things in the world) as some-thing dirty and some-thing to be ashamed of by any woman who should enjoy it as a WOMAN with the man she cares about.


  1. Is it really the man, or the woman, that this should apply to?
    Most women, especially after marriage, treat sex like one of the house chores. I'm not trying to be sarcastic here. It is what it is.

  2. Why would sex be seen as a "chore" with one's life partner?? Didn't she find him sexually appealing be-fore she allowed him lock her down for life..?

  3. It is true. Married life is kinda busy, and unsexy, truth be told. It's all about chores and responsibility, and kids, and bills to pay. The romance more often than not is lost at some point.


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