
Showing posts from January, 2011

The Atom of Self

I Am (the atoms of) I There is nothing new under the sun. I exist in a physical plane. I am not some kind of immeasurable mystic field. Am I the atoms that make up my mind or am I the arrangement of these atoms? Well, I conclude that I am the particular atoms themselves because if I was simply an arrangement like a software; then hypothetically I could be duplicated. This is not feasible, as it would lead to a paradox. “I” cannot exist in two places, there could be a precise copy… but, that would not be me, it would be an identical but discreet “I. Therefore I must conclude that I must be the atoms themselves – my Personality, my Memory, my Intellect.


How do we go back through Time, Space, Matter and Reasoning to the Origin of Origin and commune with the Original Originator? Is it through our death? Is it through re-birth? Is it through the Earth? Or is it when we berth? As we drift in-to a quiescent dock Bourne by waves of Mercury, we rock Silent and peaceful... no sound... no talk... Perhaps, this time at the dock We may find a bit of luck At communing on the floor With the Original Originator How do we go back through Reasoning, Space, Matter and Time to the Origin of Origin and commune with the Original Originator? Is it through the Sun? Is it when we mourn? Is it when its dawn? Or at the peak of form? As we flex muscles of wood All sinewy, all musculi, all crude Hunched like Mr Olympia’s brood Perhaps this time at the Water We will commune with Awe, with Laughter As we (hopefully) end at the door Tha’ll be opened by the Original Originator How do we go back throug...

The Lady is Dead. A Tramp Lives

Nigeria is like a woman who has let her-self go with excuses of child-birth, busy schedule and so on and so forth. We, the citizens are like the long suffering husband who married a hot, firm, tight bodied standard-cynosure-of-all-eyes babe that has morphed into a cold, cellulite-infested-stretch-mark-ridden, sub-standard hag. Nigeria. We still remember her laughter of so long ago and still see the memory of her once radiant smile now buried beneath jowls of chin fat and enlarged pores. Nigeria We remember that once firm ripe body that has now become saggy and bloated due to neglect. Nigeria... Nigeria. NIGERIA! A name that evokes strong emotions in us all. We still have feelings for you, even if we look at you with thinly veiled disgust.

The Mongoloid Warrior

GENGHIS KHAN. They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Genghis Khan dis-proved this notion. This was a man who took power. "Took" is actually a rather conservative way of putting it. More like he SEIZED power. SNATCHED it. OWNED it. POSSESSED it. For him, power was not the means to an end. It was the END. Period. He branded each territory he blazed through like a wild forest fire leaving the GENGHIS KHAN logo of terror in his wake. He rode at the head of his warriors ALWAYS, he did not know the meaning of fear. Wishi I could sail back through time to when The Mongoloid Warrior walked the earth, so I could possess his body and walk in his sandals... even if only, for a little while. The man with a spine of re-inforced Titaniumm and a strong chin that preceeded him. I think it would be utterly fascinating to experience. He wasn't as deranged as Adolfus Hitler either, he was just..... a Warrior...... of Principle. He also instilled...

Harmony Inconflictus

There are two sets of people in the world: The Ordinary and The Extra-Ordinary. The Ordinary are the Masses, the Re-producers, the Masters of the Present. While the Extra-ordinary are the Destroyers and the Masters of the Future. They are Destroyers because they have to destroy the present set of systems to create the future. This is not some-thing that is met with delight by the Masters of the Present(the Ordinary) as they will fight it and most of the time(more often than not) eliminate The Extra-Ordinary. But, here's the catch, and a fascinating one it is: The Ordinarys end up placing The Extra-Ordinary on a pedestal for subsequent generations to come. Both(The Ordinary and The Extra-Ordinary) have an equal right to exist. The former preserves the world and increases its numbers. The latter moves the world forward, leads it to its goal and fulfils its potential.