The Mongoloid Warrior


They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Genghis Khan dis-proved this notion. This was a man who took power.

"Took" is actually a rather conservative way of putting it. More like he SEIZED power. SNATCHED it. OWNED it. POSSESSED it. For him, power was not the means to an end.

It was the END. Period.

He branded each territory he blazed through like a wild forest fire leaving the GENGHIS KHAN logo of terror in his wake. He rode at the head of his warriors ALWAYS, he did not know the meaning of fear.

Wishi I could sail back through time to when The Mongoloid Warrior walked the earth, so I could possess his body and walk in his sandals... even if only, for a little while. The man with a spine of re-inforced Titaniumm and a strong chin that preceeded him. I think it would be utterly fascinating to experience.

He wasn't as deranged as Adolfus Hitler either, he was just..... a Warrior...... of Principle.

He also instilled this sense of fearlessness in his kin, soldiers and blood relatives alike.

A classic example of this is when his brother opted for a warriors death. He requested to be killed with-out having a drop of his blood shed. To carry out this wish they put a lance on his shoulders behind his neck with his palms gripping both ends and then bent him over back-wards sharply- breaking his back.

And Genghis Khan looked on....

A man of honour- the brother and the brother.

He was probably the last image the fading retinan nof his brother beheld.

A befitting picture.

Genghis Khan.

The Mongolid Warrior- he wasn't swallowing up diverse regions to assuage an infantile fantasy.

He was doing this because it was a NEED THAT HAD TO BE SATED.

His greatest regret in life by the implication was that he did not live long enough to conquer the world.

Imagine that!

And the reality of this is that he would have if he time had been overly generous. Imagine if this was during biblical times when man lived to 800 years. Imagine what he would have achieved!


St KHAN- The saint representing Territorial Domination.

This is a man who dreamt and actualised the dream through force of will.

What is to be garnered from this?

It all starts with dreaming, then having the STRENGTH OF CONVICTION to follow that dream with ruthless determination that you will crush any negativity that stands in your way.


Then climb up the ladder, move on to the next obstacle and repeat till you have achieved what you were meant to achieve  with your time on Earth.

May we have the guts to go after our dreams and realise them..

Peace to us all.


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