Harmony Inconflictus

There are two sets of people in the world: The Ordinary and The Extra-Ordinary.

The Ordinary are the Masses, the Re-producers, the Masters of the Present.

While the Extra-ordinary are the Destroyers and the Masters of the Future.

They are Destroyers because they have to destroy the present set of systems to create the future. This is not some-thing that is met with delight by the Masters of the Present(the Ordinary) as they will fight it and most of the time(more often than not) eliminate The Extra-Ordinary.

But, here's the catch, and a fascinating one it is: The Ordinarys end up placing The Extra-Ordinary on a pedestal for subsequent generations to come.

Both(The Ordinary and The Extra-Ordinary) have an equal right to exist.

The former preserves the world and increases its numbers.

The latter moves the world forward, leads it to its goal and fulfils its potential.


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