The Great Bank of Memory

LOCATION: Our Individual Heads.
BRANCHES: World-wide (and probably beyond, for all we know...)

Every single activity we encounter in life is stored in The Great Bank of Memory that is located in our heads.

It doesn't make a difference if it is a direct or in-direct encounter.

It goes right into the Great Bank of Memory.

Every-thing we do in life leaves a a mental inprint that is some-times encrypted but ALWAYS stored in this bank.

There are four rooms in this bank: There's the ANTE-CHAMBER, the MAIN ROOM, the INNER SANCTUM and the VAULT.

The Ante-chamber is where we have our immediate occurrences also known as our immediate consciousness.

Then as time moves on and fresh memories are deposited, they are moved further in-to the Main room.

Some-times they come to the fore of our immediate consciousness, other times they may not.

Then there is the Inner Sanctum. This is where we keep our special memories (not necessarily sad ones), that we reach in-to and pull out from time to time as we get older.

Then, there is the VAULT.

This is the room where we keep all of our dark and painful memories, memories we suppress and try to for-get as we go about our every-day living or existence.

Although, as we get older and the riotous blood of our youth cools, and our pace slows, the door to the vault weakens and the memories and secrets that re-side with-in seeps right through to the Ante-chamber and it-to our immediate consciousness.

And these thoughts either haunt us or make us smile, depending on the outCome of our lives.
As we sit in our quiet reflective moments.....


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