Mer... made-or-not ?

Mermaids have always fascinated me, for as long as I can remember.The amphibian hybrid with a discernible human element. This must put them high up on the food chain, under the sea. 

  • Are they colonizing all marine life due to their “human” element ? 
  • How does the human element even function ? 
  • How do they birth their young ? 
  • Is it as hatchlings ? laying of eggs ? Birthing them whole (human style) ? 
  • How do their brains function ? 
  • Do they have the ability to reason ? 
  • Wonder if they have a developed thought pattern (a la the residents of Atlantis) ? 

Perhaps, they still live in Atlantis, with technology so advanced, that they have shielded the city from any human (and non-marine life) discovery.. using invisible force fields.

I believe mermaids exist.

My belief is based on logic and science, not sentiments.

Perhaps, it is the hubris of humans to imagine that they do not exist, considering there have been sightings by deep sea fishermen and cave drawings through the ages, indicating their physical description. A description which has been consistent through finding and sightings, through the centuries. Remember that this was a time when global communications were a herculean task, so, it would be implausible that there is a conspiracy theory about the existence of mermaids and their counterparts . 

I believe mermaids exist.

However, due to the (typically) disruptive activities of humans, they have gone much deeper into the sea where they have become inaccessible. Do not forget that 97% of the ocean still lies undiscovered. Therefore, it is uncogent to assert definitive utterances about their non-existence.
The aspect I concur is, I appreciate that mermaids are one of the more notable African deities. I appreciate this fact that just as other African deities, which govern the elements (earth, wind, fire, air, skies, forest, afterlife, and others), one (obviously) has to represent the sea. Which better one than the mysterious and (seemingly) elusive “hydro-sapiens”  ?

I believe mermaids exist.

On another note, I do not believe they are as romantic, or nipple-y as they usually are
portrayed on mainstream media - all colorful and gay, with lipstick and eyeshadow. 
Great for fantasy. Not so great for deep sea lifestyle.
My supposition is based on the fact that these are deep sea creatures. Their bodies would have had to adapt to surviving in that aqueous environment. They would have had to have developed:

(a)   a slimy (for sleeker movement) 
(b)   + a scaly exterior {for traction), 
(c)   fin-like appendages (for navigation), 
(d)   streamlined bodies (aerodynamics),
(e)   an enlarged brain (deep sea mammals need large brain cavities, without which - sonar communications would be unfeasible), 
(f)   glazed pupils (for visibility), 
(g)  flattened noses with oval nostrils (oxygen filtration),
(h)  gill facilities (air filtration).

Something like this... without the "flowing well conditioned hair". The skin would be darker, with blue-blackish skin, and slimier.

Hello, deep sea creature. I see YOU.


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