
Showing posts from 2011

How Ojukwu died in London

Twenty-two  days after his seventy-eight birth-day, former Biafran leader, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu succumbed to the cold hands of death. The family said in a state-ment that their patriarch died of stroke in the Royal Berkshire Hospital, United Kingdom, in the early hours of yesterday. The National Chair-man of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), the platform on which Ojukwu sought to become president in 2003 and 2007, and which Board of Trustees (BoT) he headed, Chief Victor Umeh, said the former warlord, passed on at about 2.30 a.m. yesterday. Ojukwu had been flown to the London hospital almost one year ago, precisely December 23, 2010, after he suffered what doctors called “massive stroke” and went unconscious. He was initially treated at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Enugu, before the trip abroad in an air ambulance Tributes poured in, in torrents, yesterday, as the death of the man who led the Igb...

The Luxury of Music

Some-one once said to me: "I like Luxury music". This got me thinking.... What is Luxury music? What is Luxury? What is Music? When it comes down to it at the end of the day, all music is luxury be-cause the privilege of being able to have consistent auditory inter-course with sounds which are a derivative of the diverse and individual bodily sounds Mother Earth makes in in-deed the epic peak of luxury. All Music is luxury. All luxury is Music. All Music is life. All life is Music. ....... in her fascinating myriads of pseudo-utopian pockets. Let us talk Music. Let us talk J-A-Z-Z. Let us talk about how it caresses your senses through the auditory high-Way. . . . Jazz. The merge of musical forces that produce a sound solo smooth, it is like Dark soft Chocolate that has swirls of the Finest Cognac in it. Jazz. How do we begin? Do we talk about the swing band? The cacophony of seemingly distorted sounds which when brought together be-Comes ...

The Consequence of Action

What are the natural consequences for our actions? Do we do things be-cause of the Re-ward System i.e external approval..? Do we do it for the applauding of our 'just' and 'proper' actions there-by creating a plat-form of credibility which will serve as the foundation for the World to deal with us based on our history of propriety? Does this then mean that all we do is directly related to the feed-back we get from others..? Do we really under-take any action in the presence of another just for the sake of that action with-out sub-conscious (or conscious) thought given to it or for the re-ward system - which is basically the re-lease of psychological endorphins we experience at the point of execution? There is a natural consequence of just actions with-out a consciousness of a Re-ward System. Then, there is the 'natural' consequence of action which give credence to a Re-ward System and is perhaps consciously tailored to elicit that exact re-ward. ...

The Voyage of Us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of Humanity is one of courage, it is of hope, it is of Acceptance. It is of eyes peering in the horizon believing there is utopia behind it. The journey of Humanity is one of struggle, of blood, of war, of Tears. It is of the pursuit of Happiness, it is of Free-dom. It is of Faith. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of  Humanity is one of travel, of adventure, of Curiousity. It is of exploring new terrains, it is of Excitement. The journey of Humanity is one of  rejuvenation, of Re-formation, of Re-birth. It is of re-production, of Refurbishment. It is of Renaissance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The journey of Humanity is one of music, of beauty, of laughter, Sharing. It of eating, it is of community, it is of smiles, it is of Hugs. The journey of Humanity is one of dancing, of Competition. It of service, it is of sub-mission. it is of Prayer It is of our Universa...

The Magnificent Innocents

I wrote this during a pocket of time several moons past. A time when the world stood still as the two once proud and most significant ladies fell and crumbled in a heap of their own filth as the world looked on in helplessness and electrifying awe .... I wonder what thoughts swirled around the steel and concrete heads of the glorious twins as went as they crumbled in-to the yawning abyss forcefully getting wider on the floor of the urban jungle. I wonder.... Oh, great the fall of Babylon!  The once proudest of all the Iroko trees in the land now lay broken and dis-membered in the belly of the urban jungle. No longer do they dominate, being fawned over by man and foe alike. Now, they lay crushed and dis-used like broken dolls who have out-lived their usefulness....  but not be-fore making as grand an exit as their entry had been.  I wonder what sort of conversation they had every morning as they stood high against they sky-line surveying the teemi...

Farafina: A Tale of One 'Sity

The Path of Faith: A Tale of One 'Sity Follow the link down the Rabbit Hole......

The Search for GOD

The most beautiful experience we can have, is the Mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the root of True Art and True Science. It is a know-ledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate. It is a perception of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most abstract primitive forms are accessible to our minds – it is this knowledge and emotion that constitute true religiousity. A genuine Faith must recognize that it is through a dark glass we see; though by Faith we do penetrate sufficiently to the heart of the mystery not to be overwhelmed by it. A genuine Faith resolves the mystery of Life by the mystery of GOD. It recognizes that no aspect of Life or Existence explains it-self; even after all known causes and consequences have been traced. All Existence is ancient; and ancient has no beginning. All known Existence points beyond it-self. To realize that it points beyond it-self to GOD is to assert that...

A Tale of One 'Sity

Farafina called me and told they wanted a write-up from me for a special they are doing on their blog. The theme was about my time in the university. I had a day to submit it. Wow, talk about a couple of bricks landing smack on the top of my head. I started writing a letter to decline their offer.... After typing the letter on my hand-held, I was about to press the "send" button, when I hesitated and remembered the words of the best man I know.... My dearest be-loved patient, long-suffering, drama absorbing, tolerant, love-of-my-head-and-heart and one of the MOST brilliant and philosophical men I know: Chidi. The stylish MAN who pushes me mentally and constantly challenges my C.Q. (Cerebral Quotient). His words were: "Always take two seconds to think be-fore taking any action, especially YOU, Omo". Ah, but, this MAN knew me well. I was trying to reach him to ask for his advice on what to do in regards to the offer, but, he was buried in some meeting.....

Obsession and Cowardice

Obsession. Ever-one has an obsession. Every-one is obsessesed with some-thing. Some people claim to get rid of an obsession, but in reality, they are only re-placing it with another one. In a pocket of time past, I heard a preacher say that if you give your life to Jesus the Christ, old things will pass away and all things will be-come new. What is the implication of a life-changing statement? You stop obsessing with Self and start obsessing with Christ. Basically, re-placing one obsession with another. Ok, I am going to veer off this lane in-to another. It is all on the same high-way though.... The bed-rock of all Religion is Faith. Now, we all know Faith is based on bias. So, what does this imply then? In a nut-shell, it infers that all Religion is founded on bias. Religion is all about be-longing. It is about the innate need to be led. It is about dependence. It is about the giving up of responsibility to another. It is a ...... Covert Absolution Operat...


Ok, I. AM. LIVID. Bursting with it. It feels like I've got thick black smoke in my lungs.... I almost can-not breathe.... Trying hard to suppress the raging fire burning with-in. That is all I have to say at this time. May-be I'll add some-thing later, may-be I will not. May-be this is how I will end it. May-be this makes no sense. May-be it does. I really could not care less. The. End.

Rituals of EXISTence

Know-ledge is in-deed power. Power over Neuronal Lethargy and Anonymity.  The more know-ledge we acquire, the more we move closer to the door that leads to the absolute state which transcends the mediocrity that is the foundation of every-day existence. Some-times..... I wonder.... if there's really safety in ignorance and boundary(self imposed and societally imposed) limitations.... What would life be like with-out boundaries? Would it be a state of absolute free-dom or absolute chaos..? Or would our previous state(s) of mind be-come colossally enhanced..? Perhaps, there might be the certain sense of Free-dom that comes with the breaking of a barrier..... the dipping of the toe tip in for-bidden waters. The sense of taboo, the thrill of excitement and also of..... danger. We can-not say we are LIVING when there is the predictability of the out-come of our lives. We are born; we acquire formal academic know-ledge; we get a job; we start...

Linear Archetype vs Cyclical Prototype

Every-thing in Life occurs cyclically and repeatedly. We will experience every-thing in Life over and over. They may come in diverse forms, but, it is basically the same masquerading as the different. Mythic Archetype is not externally imposed, but internally generated with-in each person. The universal wish to be original can-not conceal that each of us is some-thing of a copy; repeating previous lives with the in-authenticity of inverted (or perverted commas). Lurking beneath the superficialities of personality, most people are types rather than individuals. Although, the "same", could some-how manage to be-come the "new". Those who believe in progress like to depict the world as moving in a straight line, to-wards an in-definable goal. There is also the school of thought that abandons the idea of Linear Development be-cause it despairs of Human history. Ok, let us explore both the Cyclical Occurrence and Linear Development further by falling b...

The Queen of Rock - FREDDIE MERCURY

I was going to write about the greatest Rock Bands. But, I realise there's only one greatest, and it will be a MAJOR slight to share this post with any other. So, I dedicate this post to QUEEN. The GREATEST Rock band of all time. Queen is the greatest rock Band of all time due to the versatility, magnetism and hypnotic charisma of FREDDIE MERCURY.  The band has re-leased a total of: EIGHTEEN NUMBER ONE ALBUMS, EIGHTEEN NUMBER ONE SINGLES, TEN NUMBER ONE DVD's and  HAVE SOLD OVER ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY MILLION ALBUMS with some estimates in excess of THREE HUNDRED MILLION ALBUMS. They have been honoured with SEVEN IVOR NOVELLO AWARDS and were inducted in-to the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME in 2001. Holly-wood Walk of Fame Queen was such a versatile group and all their songs had different characters and evoked different emotions in the listener of which the most consistent are usually Awe and Admiration. I'm not saying Brian May, Rog...