Today is Tomorrow.

Whatever you do toDay affects your tomorrow.
By tomorrow, I  do not mean TOMORROW.
I mean...  tomorrow.

Even if you try to ignore... tomorrow,   the inevitability of it means its coming is already written inTo your program and there is nothing you can do about it.  Since this is what it is, is it not realistic to equip yourSelf for the tomorrow you will like to have from the toDay you are in?
By preparation, I mean mental, spiritual; a strategic and realistic path to financial and personal security, resolute determination(I am talking titanium spine here), indifference to heckling, indifference to the low self esteem of others.  Let me explain this - for one to have low self esteem means one has a low to zero sense of self.  This is as a result of (a)Never knowing yourSelf and (b)you have lost yourSelf.  Now the running theme for both categories is the disconnect from self, ergo; you are not in tune with your tomorrow.  Why oh why in the name of Zeus would I want to be around someOne like that?

The path is not the same.
The outlook is not the same.
Water and petrol do not mix, neither do fire and water

I look around me and I see people dropping like flies out of life, having been previously pumped by the riotous blood of early youth, full of ignorance and bravado. Once that phase is over and responsibility and real life comes in, then you face YOUR life and see it for what it is.

Now, it begins...


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