Faith is the acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.
Does this then mean I have no faith since I give my imagination a logical background and I always have to have some semblance of factualism? Does this then mean, once again I ask, that I have no faith??

Or can we split faith into the following: the non-visual and the tangible, blind faith and seeing faith? 

Perhaps I have the latter because; I like to believe I’m not completely faithless. If I did not have faith to a greater degree, I would be completely immersed in the sea of cynicism with a bleak and watery outlook for the present and the future.

I believe there is goodness in people and I hold there is great optimism about the future; and, since optimism is a major element of faith, this then leads to one logical conclusion only – I HAVE FAITH, yes indeed I do…. of the seeing and tangible category.


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