Nouveau Africanus ©

I see a new Africa before us.

One that is rising from the ashes of post-nihilistic wars, mental degradation, sub-human treatment and the anarchy of a confused specie that has been thrown in-to turmoil through western influences.

Some schools of thought say they offered enlightenment and pulled Africa in-to the twenty-first century.

The truth of the matter is; before the invasion of the white man in-to Africa, Africa was already an organized and civilized society with ordered governance and functional infrastructure. One of the trail-blazers and pioneers of the modern day living as we know it.

The white man came to Africa, not to offer enlightenment (as it is erroneously perceived), but to take advantage of our hospitality and naïveté. We were carted away from our families, cultures, society and general way of life.

They planted a putrid seed of corruption and greed, and took advantage of our simplicity and enabled a few of our people join in the process of the erosion of our humanity and the shocking of our senses in regards to the violence, plain wickedness and mass murder- all in the name of commerce.

What do you call the eradication of a race for commerce?

The white man has re-written our history, depicting us as flesh-eating, voodoo-obsessed, human-sacrificing barbarians. How true is this?

If we are to really look at it (at the end of the day), who, really is the human-sacrificing barbarian?
Civilization started from Africa, and I do not mean Egypt alone. The west knows we are a STRONG, VIRILE, albeit guileless race. And they know (because they fear our power), that the only way they can dominate us is to subliminally brain-wash us into the belief that they are superior.  They implied that before they came to Africa, we were savages, roaming through the bushes and engaging in wild acts of “savagery”.

Our nudity, simplicity and basic nature made us easy prey as a hawk preys on an un-painted chick.

Today, in the western world, we have nudist beaches- everyone is trying to return to the African way.
Africans have made the fatal error of deeply believing in this ridiculous propaganda in regards to our inferiority to the extent that the majority of us now mock our heritage, culture and true history.

A history which encompasses the beauty and purity that Africa is, before the white man came to sully it with his debauched and immoral nature.

They replaced our simplicity, innocence, structure, morality and order with corruption, dis-orientation, dis-contentment, greed, immorality.

They have re-written our history and completely eroded the existence of Africa and Africans before they got here.

They say they discovered Africa.
How can something that has already been in existence and functioning FULLY as an entity be “discovered”?


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