How do we define reality?
My limited definition can say it's an unfathomable state man finds himself, albeit, willingly or unwillingly, consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously.

Some people have fixed realities by choice, perhaps because of the fear of the unknown i.e. a reality that has been working for them that is perceived as sane, stable and predictable seems a lot safer than an unknown facet of a yet to be identified aspect of an alternate reality.

Some have transient realities, either because they believe there’s more to their present state or they’re simply wading through the mire of ignorance.

The former can be said to be said to be an indefinable eccentric too mentally vast be understood by average minds or even brilliant minds with insufficient scope, while the latter can be said to suffer from focal deficiency.

We can also take into consideration the factor of fragmented realities, where multiple realities occur simultaneously that the line between reality and fantasy become indecipherable.

Do we actually know where the line is?
Are we even aware of the existence of a line?

Are all reality not fantasy and all fantasy not reality?
Does reality necessarily imply sobriety and fantasy nirvana?

Your reality is someone’s fantasy and your fantasy is someone’s reality

All reality is fantasy
All fantasy is reality

So reality is something that is experienced consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously. 
This then means that you perceive as fantasy is actually reality.

September, 2006.


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