
Showing posts from 2014

Le Chemin de Dieu

Natural Creativity is a channel through which GOD speaks and the Natural Creative is His mouthPiece. Mozart, Picasso, Nietsczhe, Hendrix, Mercury, Jackson, Tesla. With Natural Creativity, you either have it or you don't. It cannot be forced, it cannot really be learned. Hence, the term  "Gift". To enjoy true communication from GOD, that channel from the human sphere to the spiritual has to be free of pollution. It must be a clear path, free of hypocrisy. This is the only way. There is just no way the voice of GOD in all its beauty will come through a channel where it has to run the gauntlet of putrid energies. It needs to seamlessly flow through. I am talking of the real deal, not religious conditioning which has trained your psyche to believe what is not as what is. GOD is real.  It has always baffled me how anyone can say otherWise. Have you looked at the magnificent machinery that is the human being? Humans are still discovering with each passing day what t...


Once did we lay Our souls kissed  Your lips touched my core The sensation I never missed I was loved like a lady I slept like a baby I experienced pleasure more than I'd ever known  I experienced pleasure Too celestial for this soul  I know this because it had no aftertaste  It was the first time I was a bud  Softly opened to the sun I have become a flower Blooming in full power Your hands were firm on me Without fear or uncertainty I lay inert in still delight And the spring gurgled forth....


A maleophile ©  can be defined as an ardent visual enthusiast of the superior male form. | | | | \/ Symmetry, visual harmony, their physical strength, their legs, backs, bottoms. Their thick full head of hair(sorry baldies). That curve of the underarm which runs across the front of one-half of the chest area. Beautiful symmetry and form right down to the lower abdomen with its profusion of potent earthiness The superior male form is a thing of beauty indeed. Their thick head of hair. Their hairy bodies. I’m refering to beautiful friendly visually appealing hair... condensed, rug like; short body hair, zero to little back hair, reasonable buttom fuzz on small and taut firm man booty (no wide loads, pls and thanks).   Oh, and take note that is not always necessarily in a sexual light.  My love for visually harmonious male bodies does not not mean I want to jump in bed with what I see. Admiring his body does not necessarily mean I want to kn...

Visualix Interlocus

Man is responsible for man. However man is, man wants to be. Wherever man is, man likes to be. Whatever man is, man chooses to be. Actively or passively, man decided. You are, what you are. You cannot be, what you are not. Whatever shaped your formative years (1 - 12) is who you shall remain at the root core of your ego consciousness for the rest of your life. Other factors may shape your exterior and even sub-exterior, at the end of the day; you are who and you are. You are, what you are. And, no amount of male cow excrement will hide who YOU are from those with the awakened third eye. Peace to all of manKind.  I ~Λm~ I®


I have been in a haze for the last two years, mainly functioning on auto-Pilot; suppressing my natural exuberant openness to say exactly what was on my mind withOut (insert word here).  Never been a pack animal, always ran solo; enjoyed my company more than when in the company of actual humans.  The best times of my life I have remembered have been with meSelf. Solitude is good. Quiet is nice.  Peace is even better. The world is tumultuous enough as it is, why compound an already fraught situation? Everyday one drives out of the gate is like going inTo a battleField.  Humans and their varied psychological issues, emotional drama, deviousness, secret social cues that you are expected to know about, and if you don't then you must have horns. It's e-x-h-a-u-sting. I'm glad I have the sort of job that occupies my ADD brilliantly, satisfies my restLess need to explore, invent, expand outSide the so-Called parameters of human existence. But, the piece ...

The PaTH of I

The Path of Faith. The Path of Truth. The Path of Hope. The Path of Belief. The Path of Determination. The Path of Trust. The Path of Laughter. The Path of Vision. The Path of Love. The Path of certainty and assurance in GOD Almighty 100% - no question about it. The Path of Art. The Path of Light. The Path of Music. The Path of Dark. The Path of Loss. The Path of Broken Glass. The Path of Bleeding Feet. The Path of Triumph. The Path of Victory. The Path of Industry. The Path of... OMO.


Hark! What do I see? A mermaid comes to me Moonlight reflects the sheen  On her lucent tail fin Olokun Goddess of the sea Bringing peace and tranquillity With white robes of purity Olokun Queen of down under Whose silence is thunder. forGive all who have wronged you Watch over the night fisherMen ...from the deep blue.


It is the great mystery of human life that old grief gradually passes into quiet, tender joy.  The mild serenity of age takes the place of the riotous blood of youth and everyday that is left me, I feel how my earthly life is on touch with a new infinite, unknown but approaching unfolding, the nearness of which set my soul quivering with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation.  Why are some afraid of their life coming to an end?  Shouldn’t the greatest fear be that it shall never have a beginning?


The current unit of humanity evolved through the ages inTo its present homo sapiens state. From all indications, it seems humanity has stopped making such drastic evolution, as the homo sapiens is still where it is.  I mean where do we evolve to physically? Apparently, evolution is through inter-Breeding these days as a little birdie once chittered on CNN that in fifty (50) years, the races would've mixed so finely that all races will have traces of all races.   Fascinating. But then again, beSides physical evolution, there is another type of evolution... In our modern times, as I look at the teeming mass of humanity; I have come to discover that there are five types of human evolution in this twenty-first century. Namely: The One-dimensional humans.     (1D) The Two dimensional humans.     (2D) The Three dimensional humans.   (3D) The Multi dimensional humans.   (Mul-D) The EVOLVED. The Evolved is divided inTo two categor...


How do we define reality? My limited definition can say it's an unfathomable state man finds himself, albeit, willingly or unwillingly, consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously. Some people have fixed realities by choice, perhaps because of the fear of the unknown i.e. a reality that has been working for them that is perceived as sane, stable and predictable seems a lot safer than an unknown facet of a yet to be identified aspect of an alternate reality. Some have transient realities, either because they believe there’s more to their present state or they’re simply wading through the mire of ignorance. The former can be said to be said to be an indefinable eccentric too mentally vast be understood by average minds or even brilliant minds with insufficient scope, while the latter can be said to suffer from focal deficiency. We can also take into consideration the factor of fragmented realities, where multiple realities occur simultaneously that the line between ...


The meaning of history was the appearance at rare moment of exceptional individuals. History is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims. On the other hand, though men make their history, they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by them, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past. It is the interaction of these objective circumstances with the subjective will of men that makes for progress. History is on the side of progress, without the implication that progress is tantamount to prosperity.


Faith is the acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove. Does this then mean I have no faith since I give my imagination a logical background and I always have to have some semblance of factualism? Does this then mean, once again I ask, that I have no faith?? Or can we split faith into the following: the non-visual and the tangible, blind faith and seeing faith?  Perhaps I have the latter because; I like to believe I’m not completely faithless. If I did not have faith to a greater degree, I would be completely immersed in the sea of cynicism with a bleak and watery outlook for the present and the future. I believe there is goodness in people and I hold there is great optimism about the future; and, since optimism is a major element of faith, this then leads to one logical conclusion only – I HAVE FAITH, yes indeed I do…. of the seeing and tangible category.


Capitalism is a necessary state of the development of man’s productive capacities. But in the developmental process, it distorts his nature. On the one hand, it creates the bourgeois who is possessed and enslaved by profits; on the other hand, it produces the (destitute?) worker who is paid enough to keep his nostrils bobbing above the surface of the murky pond of deprivation. The glaring truth of this reality is that both classes can’t reach any compromise of sorts.  They (bourgeois) can’t pay the men more and cut down on profits because profits are necessary for the creation of capital; and without capital, there is no development of productive capacity. Basically, the businessman is only doing what history expects of him. Capitalism has some by-products, of which alienation is a dominating factor. What is alienation in regards to capitalism? It is basically a state man finds himself when his spirit has been broken by the monotony of his work. Lab...


What is boredom? The kingdom of Bore? The state of being bored? Do we say then that: Boredom is simply the condition that exists when a thinking being lacks volitional direction. A neutral condition of existence.  This condition can exist for seconds or the life of the being, due to a variety of conditions such as personal mental stimulation, physical or mental ailments, arriving at the end of an intense single minded (directional) period of life, the absence of outside (the being) stimulation when it is expected.  How and what direction the being exits from the state of boredom depends on previous education, training and experiences. The PRINCIPLES used in the educational process will play a large part in the direction of exit from the state of boredom. Boredom is chemical in nature.

Nouveau Africanus ©

I see a new Africa before us. One that is rising from the ashes of post-nihilistic wars, mental degradation, sub-human treatment and the anarchy of a confused specie that has been thrown in-to turmoil through western influences. Some schools of thought say they offered enlightenment and pulled Africa in-to the twenty-first century. The truth of the matter is; before the invasion of the white man in-to Africa, Africa was already an organized and civilized society with ordered governance and functional infrastructure. One of the trail-blazers and pioneers of the modern day living as we know it. The white man came to Africa, not to offer enlightenment (as it is erroneously perceived), but to take advantage of our hospitality and naïveté. We were carted away from our families, cultures, society and general way of life. They planted a putrid seed of corruption and greed, and took advantage of our simplicity and enabled a few of our people join in the process of the erosion of o...


The greatest task given to every man is neither the Pursuit of Happiness nor the Pursuit of Freedom. The greatest task  assigned  to every man is the Preservation of his Soul and the souls of his dependents by all and any means necessary, against all corrosive Aliens -  foreign and domestic. eyes.   windows.   soul Òmó Faith I ~Λm~ I ®    2014 ©

Hades on Terra Firma

She stands in the door-way casting an abysmal gaze around her shabby surroundings with eyes re-signed and devoid of Life. Every new day that she enters in-to is another reluctant foray in-to a regretful existence which is simply coasting to its predictable end. Standing in front of her, barely above her knee is an impoverished toddler experiencing the same consistent feeling which he has come to associate with the normalcy of his life - Hunger. This is a word that really should not be associated with a micro-human of a certain age whose world should be full of frivolities, nonchalance and absolute selfishness. He has no idea that this is not the norm. She wishes every-day as she looks at his bowed head that she had aborted him so she could be young and free again. She looks down at the toddler and sees him looking at his feet contemplating. Love (that conquers all darkness) comes flooding in-to her heart once again. This was her son - Moshood jnr. She may have made a ...

Strange, but true...

I have often operated on the philosophy that there is good inSide EVERYONE. So, I create a relationShip with the good inSide, and ignore the bad. I had (had) the philosophy that if I search for gloom, that; I will find. I believed (believed) that EVERYONE has that spark of life and was inherently good.  Naive? I think not, and I'll explain why.  There is Good and Bad inSide all of us. The good in us gets lost when we overCompromise ourSelves to the point where we have absolutely no Identity of Self. No sense of right or wrong, to the point it all beComes one blurry image. Wrong is not identified as wrong beCause there is no sense of right. Is this Ignorance? Yes, in its true and potent definition. You see, the interesting thing is when you meet the heavily compromised, the lost (is "lost" the word to use here?), you always know if you know what to look for.  Well, for one to be(lost), implies that they had a path which they strayed from. One fascin...

L'entrepreneur Innovaticus ©

There once was a one who was fearLess and bold The tale has been told and is still is being re-Told He had the cojones of the land of Spartacus This, is the tale of L'entrepreneur Innovaticus.... Others stand at the Edge of the Cliff,  whispering amongst themSelves, pointing in quelle horreur at the Sharks clearly cutting through the Water beLow, directly above the Gold which lay piercingly visible against the Ocean Floor, glittering in a Hypnotic Fashion as it catches the rays of the warm sunLight filtering through the Body of Water, like the  dove at the  resurrection of Jesus the Christ , offering Aesthetic Redemption. L'entrepreneur is standing amongst them (not the sharks, the humans). They (sans L'enterepreneur) fantasise and make Shark jokes wishing they were Iron Man so they could swoop in and scoop the entire Gold off the ocean floor. Sharks can't bite through metal, or can they? I don't think they can bite through Iron Man metal though, ...

La Vie en B%#ch.

NEVER compromise who you are, to get what you want. Know yourSelf. Never sacrifice your Soul, in a bid to survive. Not worth the vacumn that will be created in you when your soul has left your building. NOTHING will ever fill that hole. Nada. Zilch. Life is a real b%#ch, you know? She makes you run the gantlet to experience her complex totalness (poetic license, sue me - PLSM). Embrace your Dark to find your Light. Quit playing it safe. Push through your crevices to the Purity of Enlightenment. To find Clear Knowledge. To meet YOU.


I do not think it is complicated, really. If you know what you are capable of, truly, truly capable of, due to the fact that you have delved inTo the depth of your core internal root a la Principium Individuationis , then you would not settle for a life which is less than your Alternate Reality - AltReal ©  (similar pronunciaton to Montreal). Alternate Reality is the life we imagine we should have been living if the present is not the desired. If the present were the desired, then we would be living our actual lives without yearning for that which has been lost. Alternate Reality is usually well complimented/ accompanied with Past Glory Mentality (PGM)  -  "I used to be... I used to look like...  I used to.., if you doubt me go and ask so and so" about how I used to... what I used to...   I do not think it is that complicated, really. Why live in a present that is unBearable thereBy risking an AltReal? Why? To what aim? Why would I want to...