
Showing posts from 2015

To Infinity, non Beyond?

I have been torn withIn mySelf lately… I have arrived at a crossRoad, a point where I have to make a decision regarding my mind. In the past, it was easy for me to mentally hop like a kangaroo from one subject to another. Zip here. Zap here.One second thinking of science, the second thinking of philosophy and how magical the scholars and philosophers must have been in Ancient Greece; with their togas and leafy headBands, their nose; their gods.  That now takes ones thoughts to Rome, to the grandeur of the coliseum. The gladiators. The debauchery. The perversions. The decadence. Think “ Caligula ” - no, not an exaggeration but an accurate depiction of the times. Not really a fan of Persian hedonism. Mainly Greek, Roman, Egyptian civilisations. Norse. Vikings. Barbarians. My interest has recently been piqued by African civilisations… the beautiful Dark people. The best DNA. Great genetics. The excitement of science. Astronomy. Complex equations. The breathTaking...


To think that this is a fourteen year old girl and a seventeen year old boy. Chidren. Just children. Such great minds. This is what happens when your do not try to mould your children into the status quo but let them fly free and find themSelves as individuals withOut a care for being part of a social machine. They can change the world. Will and Jada should be given parent of the century awards and I am sure they sleep easy every night knowing that with or withOut them; the future of their offSprings are set on their sure path for life, supporting each other. Close knit. Unbreakable bond. Will Smith is a visionary, a wise family man and a true genius. He truly underStands what is important in life. A great father, great husband, great actor, great rapper. Most of all, he succeeded where it mattered most - as a great human being whose name will outLive him, in more ways than one. These children rejected formal education (and the parents respected their decision) and dec...

Openstanding Others.

There is a difference between understanding someBody and knowing how to underStand someOne. The former is from limited perspective while the latter is from an infinite.  Open mind. Open life.

Poison A. Cooper

I want to hurt you just to hear you screeeeam my name... I want to love you but I better not touch I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop I want to kiss you but I want it too much I want to taste you, but your lips are venomous poison you're poison running through my veins I don't want to break these chains your mouth, so.. hot your web, I'm caught your skin, so moist Black leather , on sweat My cruel device Blood like ice One look could kill your pain, my thrill I hear you calling and it's needles and pins I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name Don't want to touch you, my fingers are singed .. but you're under my skin Burnin' deep inside my brain Flowing  deeeeeep inSide my veins. ⇉   Eternally Alice.

Dystopian Abstratangibilities©

I crave a utopian society.  A dream, I know. As I cannot  imagine any aspect of this world ever achieving that ideal, considering its appalling state of dystopian realities. I crave a utopian existence.  Unfortunately, absolutely unrealisable as one still has to co-exist with the external dsytopian and uber dysfunctional society. Perhaps, someDay I might create one. A society of pure constructive freedom. Constructive, because freedom without boundaries will result in anarchy. Paradox? Nay. Contradictory? Nay. Nay. Absolute freedom is a (realistic) myth same way a utopian society is. So, I will continuue to trudge through the murky waters of everyDay realties; and perhaps, someDay: I may be able to run stark naked into the ocean and swim to the ficticious island withOut having to reTurn to the human cesspool. Till then, I can only dream... Our world.

The Life Mandate

What is life about? The search for truth? The pursuit of freedom? The continuous state of hope? Attaining the pinnacle of contentment? What is it, really? Is it about the  Rituals of EXISTence ? White picket fences and well trimmed lawns? Keeping up with the joneses? Really? Attending high society functions wearing lace and diamonds? What is it all about? (A) There is a beginning - Birth.   (B) There is a middle - Life.   (C) There is an end - Death. If we are aware of the above, this then implies that life is about B -  the (not so) straight line between A and C. If this is the case, then why waste the precious currency called Time on nonsensities? Live well. Live free. Peace to all. ~FIN~

Words Eternal. Words Divine.

"Death like birth is the secret of nature". Marcus  Aurelius  Antoninus (2nd century AD).   Imagine the words of a man living after him HUNDREDS of centuries later.   C'est un incredible...


I was contacted recently by an acquaintance from the days of yore.  You see, she used to be my friend; then she beCame an acquaintance. When she called me, I was open-minded hearing from her. Reminisced about the good old early 20s mayhem and brouhaha. She said she found me on facebook. I had not checked her profile or anyThing, so I had no clue what she looked like now, or what she was up to.  I chatted away, her response to my chatter seemed someWhat forced. She said she was "proud" of me kept saying I taught her how to hustle, implying that I contributed to where she was. She said she lived in Staten Island and she still did her importation business. I was happy for her, she was doing well.   So, I probed excitedly; asking for more details about her life. She said she had a job("well, it pays the bills"), she had a daughter("oh, I am not married by the way; it's just one of those things"). Now, I actually started listening. The laughter...


Work while they sleep.    Work when they work.       Work while awake.          Work when asleep.             Work when you eat.                 Work when you drive.                    Work, work, work, work.                               Thus, shalt thou thrive.  YES. 

"I Look To You..."

To underStand how great Whitney's voice is, try singing at her pitch. When your voice begins to strain, imagine that is where hers begins and beyond...  (yes, is is is IS).   Try singing the song beLow withOut pause or break as she did and you might underStand: Whitney is not dead.  Her body is dead, but the most important part of her remains ALIVE in all of us. In fond memories filled with self expression.  She has the sort of voice that penetrates deep inTo the human part of you beCause she sang from a pure place in her core. She practically screeeamed the entire song above at the top of her lungs with such clarity and purity of pitch, it is ethereal. A spiritual experience.    Whitney... There will never be another.  Yes, there is sadness that she has passed. Sadness at the waste, the loss, the self destructiveness which ruined her at the end. You see, the interesting thing is no one totally hated her. They ridiculed her, mocked th...

Homo Pestus

Humans are simply guests on Earth with the illusion that they are in charge.   The day Mother Nature is tired of the shenanigans of her ungrateful inhabitants, and she is fast getting to that point; she is going to wipe them out with one fell stroke.   "Time to clean up",  she says...

Cloudy with a Chance of Sky

Always had a thing for clouds... © Always looking up; eyes scanning at the  formations, the colours, clarity,  fascinatingly diverse  hues and shadows. © Days skies.       Night skies.            Airplane skies.                 Skyscraper skies.  Horizon skies in different terrains.  Mountain-top skies.  The skies at sea.  Desert skies.  The sky is not always exciting.  Some days it is flat. Not clear.  Not cloudy, just...  flat  and dull. Most times, it is... breathTaking.   I do not know what the future holds in regards to my relationShip with the sky, but I know my eyes will forEver scan the heavens and occasionally capture a majestic piece of heaven. ©

The Dawn of the Andro Being

I listened to this fellow and my first thought was,  "yes, this easy-on-the-eye  dude  with the sonorous  voice  is so right."     Was even about to get away from anyThing linking moi to cyberSpace and then, I thought again...  perhaps, zees monsieur needs to face the reality of our times.  Dude is like the last frontier soldier rallying against change.  Change IS here, whether we like it or not.  Adapt, or remain like this fellow who is crying for "human" connection. By the way, I think touching is over-rated.  Emotions, on the other hand; are not. Neither is amorous physical coupling with emotions(talk for another day).  Humans have come from a long way from their Neanderthal days.  Evolution is not over.  I made the error of thinking it had ended.  It has not. The evolution of the basic physical structure of the homo sapiens has ended, yes. But the evolution of the humans have not. We are ...


Flounder to the left, I did Meander to the right, I did The ground was shaky all around me I someTimes wondered if I had lost... ME. The dream seemed so far away and distant The burning drive... no longer a constant. Even worse, the voices in my head had gone quiet... And then, I broke through! Like iron man did when he dropped the tesaract in the wormhole. I'd blown all ah dem bomboclats aoutta da sky and back to dem toxic galaxies. I broke through the dark clouds. I saw the sun. She was stunning and warm. Beautiful, bright, shiny fields everyWhere. Smell of fresh flowers feather-kissing my nostrils. I was free. Truly free.  Pure, unburdened freedom. Freedom withOut conditions. My soul was intact. A little shell shocked and more aware of the horrors of the human nature, but still... safe, secure and intact.  My soul was not lost. I did not beCome a different person. It was not easy, it was extremely difficult; but... I still have it. ...

Invasion LCD.

I have always been passionate about property development for as long as I can remember.  I love beautiful property, the lines of the building, the architecture, feng shui, general symmetry,  etc I loved the smell of cement, construction, building, piping, wiring,  plumbing and the works.  To say I love construction is an underStatement of enormous proportions.  I always gave my landlords of yore high blood pressure beCause I would always renovate any apartment I leased.  When I say renovate, I do not mean 'renovate', but RENOVATE.  Not throwing a lick of paint and some curtains.... more like tearing down cement walls, breaking up floors, installing sky lights, changing WC's, bath-tubs, shifting light switches and sockets by breaking the wall and running a conduit, etc.   I love building, love seeing the plaster go on the wall, the floors, screeding, installing electricals, wiring the house, mixing the paint, designing the space etc. ...

Today is Tomorrow.

Whatever you do toDay affects your tomorrow. By tomorrow, I  do not mean TOMORROW. I mean...  tomorrow. Even if you try to ignore... tomorrow,   the inevitability of it means its coming is already written inTo your program and there is nothing you can do about it.  Since this is what it is, is it not realistic to equip yourSelf for the tomorrow you will like to have from the toDay you are in? By preparation, I mean mental, spiritual; a strategic and realistic path to financial and personal security, resolute determination(I am talking titanium spine here), indifference to heckling, indifference to the low self esteem of others.  Let me explain this - for one to have low self esteem means one has a low to zero sense of self.  This is as a result of (a)Never knowing yourSelf and (b)you have lost yourSelf.  Now the running theme for both categories is the disconnect from self, ergo; you are not in tune with your tomorrow.   Why oh why...

Veni. Vidi... Verified.

Sans longing, I look back at the girl that was. Gyrating in the present, I look at the lady that is. Putting my feet up with my hands behind my head, I look at the woman that is to come.... I ~Λm~ I®

The 366® Philosophy

"What drives me out of bed every morning is how to add value. I am continously thinking of ways to improve our products and constantly learning to better please our Clients while improving on their 366 ® Gifting experience. "   Òmó Faith  CEO/ Princpal Creative


The story of Batman had always felt sort of....  inComplete. There has always been so much more beneath the surface of Batman's story, and I am glad someOne finally decided to explore it and bring it to the light of day.   The story of Batman is a very rich one and the new series "GOTHAM" is one of the best things to have come to television since the coloured screen.  Somebody is thinking straight in that drug fuelled, alcohol crazed Hollywood. I was sceptical at first, but after watching Gordon (Ben McKenzie), E. Nigma, Penguin, and Gordon's partner Harvey (Logue), who for some reason I thought was Dent - and I kept thinking how would this scruffy looking copper make the transition to the DA's office and tomorrow beCome two-face?  He just does not have the depth nor the necessary darkness to pull of the role when the time comes. Besides, he is too sleazy and cynical to be really likeAble. This gnawed at my inSides whenEver I watched it, but the storyLi...